Ben Gay III

The Closers - Part 2

"The Closers-Part 2" picks up where the original "The Closers" leaves off. Beyond the set closes, planned presen-tations and objection nullifications contained in the first book, "The Closers-Part 2" shows you what successful, sophisticated...

David Bollier

Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth

Until a 1998 federal court decision, a Minnesota publisher claimed a monopoly on access to all federal court decisions. A Texas company recently filed a patent on a kind of rice grown in India for centuries. Other businesses now claim ownership of...

Erik Pace Birkholz, Stuart McClure

Special Ops: Host and Network Security for Microsoft, UNIX, and Oracle

In the fast-paced, caffeine-powered, and sometimes reckless world of computer security, the security analogy of a "hard crunchy outside and soft chewy inside," a staple of the security community today, is uncannily apropos as we spend millions to...

John Vince

Handbook of Computer Animation

One of the challenges facing professionals working in computer animation is keeping abreast of the latest developments and future trends - some of which are determined by industry where the state-of-the-art is continuously being re-defined by the...

Shawn Porter

70-224: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Administration

This hands-on guidebook is designed to prepare you for the MCSE certification exam and for the challenges you will face as a Microsoft networking professional....

Steven C. Chapra

Power Programming with VBA/Excel

Part of Esource ?Prentice Hall's Engineering Source, this book provides a flexible introduction to the use of VBA/Excel in engineering. Featuring over 25 modules and growing, the ESource series provides a comprehensive resource...

Elise Moss, Chris Fox

Autodesk Architectural Desktop R3.3 Fundamentals : Laying a Sound Foundation

This Fundamentals text introduces the beginning student to Autodesk's Architectural Desktop software. The text covers the Layer Manager, Design Center, Structural Members, Doors, Windows, and Walls. Step by Step lessons take the student from...

Yuliang Zheng

Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2002

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2002, held in Singapore, in December 2002. The 34 revised full papers presented...

Tatsuo Itoh, George Haddad, James Harvey

RF Technologies for Low-Power Wireless Communications

A survey of microwave technology tailored for professionals in wireless communications RF Technologies for Low Power Wireless Communications updates recent developments in wireless communications from a hardware design standpoint and offers...

Jurgen Richter-Gebert, Ulrich H. Kortenkamp

User Manual for the Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Cinderella is a unique, technically very sophisticated teachware for geometry. It will be used as a tool by students learning Euclidean, projective, spherical and hyperbolic geometry, as well as in geometric research by scientists. Moreover, it can...

Andrew E. Schwartz

Compassion Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint

Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create...

<<<  Ирина Одоевцева. Ирина Одоевцева. На берегах ...             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

Работа Walter Fenix. Commercial and Residential З. Тайлинг. Воспитание вашей кошки Бесплатный хостинг Rory Gallagher. Rory Gallagher. Издатель: CAPO Каталог софта С богатым жить не запретишь. Хозяйке на заметку. Если взять Ванны для здоровья. Воспользовавшись рецептами МСН Aspatore Books Staff,, Scott Opsal, Victoria Collins, Francis Green. Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality Яхо Мэри Бэлоу. Немного волшебства Коллекция Авы Гарднер. Могамбо. Кларк Гейбл ("Унесенные ветром", Чат
Тула, Владимир, Чита, Хасавюрт, Муром, Калуга, Ставрополь, Махачкала, Невинномысск, Москв, Орск, Северск, Петрозаводск, Армавир, Тобольск, Междуреченск, Благовещенск, СергиевПосад, Ноябрьск, Краснодар, Нижний Тагил, Пермь, Октябрьский, ВеликийНовгород, Энгельс,
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