Иван Гончаров

Обыкновенная история

"Обыкновенная история" И.Гончарова остается обыкновенной историей и спустя почти сто шестьдесят лет после написания. Жизнеподобность, узнаваемость романа подчеркивал сам автор. И впрямь: столкновение мечтаний, идеалов, юношеских надежд - с...

Антон Васильев

Звезда разлуки

Антон Васильев - известный кинорежиссер-документалист стал известен российскому читателю как поэт после выхода в свет в 1995 году своего первого сборника "Слова". Стихотворения и поэмы, составившие новую книгу, написаны им в последние годы. Читателя...

Joseph Harrison

The Spanish Economy: From the Civil War to the European Community (New Studies in Economic and Social History)

This book presents a concise survey of the Spanish economy from the end of the Civil War of 1936-39 to the present. In it the author analyzes the transformation of Spain from a backward agrarian economy--committed by Franco and the country's...

Michael J. Kapsa

Labor Strife and the Economy in the 1970's: A Decade of Discord (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)

This book analyzes the reasons behind the breakdown of U.S. labor-management negotiations into strikes during the tumultuous decade of the 1970's. The author contends that there are two distinct categories of strikes: defensive,...

Salvador Valdes-Prieto

The Economics of Pensions: Principles, Policies, and International Experience

The significant store of knowledge about publicly regulated pensions for old age has grown even more rapidly in the past decade. This book explores current research in four critical areas for pension policy: the political design of pension...

Mengistu Teferra, Stephen Karekezi

Capacity Building for a Reforming African Power Sector (African Energy Policy Research Series)

Under the aegis of the African Energy Policy Research Network (AFREPREN) Capacity Building Theme Group, a regional study and four country studies (Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Ethiopia, and South Africa) addressed the capacity building question in the...

David D. Friedman

Hidden Order : Economics of Everyday Life, The

David Friedman has never taken an economics class in his life. Sure, he's taught economics at UCLA. Chicago, Tulane, Cornell, and Santa Clara, but don't hold that against him. After all, everyone's an economist. We all make daily decisions...

Darlene Jones

Her Journey: Stories of Entrepreneurs

Her Journey is a book about a phenomenon in the workforce that has caught the attention of many women in North America: entrepreneurship. For as many reasons as there are women who are becoming entrepreneurs, this practice currently enjoys a...

Philip K. Y. Young, John J. McAuley

The Portable MBA in Economics (The Portable MBA Series)

This essential addition to the acclaimed Portable MBA Series contains an important group of concepts and skills in order to understand the business environment along with a framework for making business decisions. Demonstrates how to assess economic...

Gary Klopfenstein, Jon Stein

Trading Currency Cross Rates : Proven Trading Strategies from a Leading International Currency Trader and a Noted Expert on Futures and Options (Wiley Trader's Exchange)

For commodity traders and portfolio managers?a practical, hands-on guide to profiting in today?s growing international cross rate markets. Cross rates trading is growing increasingly popular, fueled in no small part by banks and...

C. William Pollard, Carlos H. Cantu

Soul of the Firm

In this provocative new guide for managers, chairman Bill Pollard explains the reason behind the enormous growth and success of ServiceMaster: its commitment to the development of its people. This is no new management fad, no highly touted process...

<<<  Гудмэн Джо. Полуночная принцесса             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

Гогле Лента Е. А. Ларин. Всеобщая история. Латино-американская цивилизация Н. Сладков. Лесные тайнички МТС Д. В. Григорович. Гуттаперчевый мальчик (аудиокнига МР3) Константин Цивилев. Лежебокой быть прикольно... Новости С. К. Лемешев. Сам себе дизайнер В. А. Ерофеева, Г. В. Клушанцева, В. Б. Кемтер, С. А. Принцева. Бухгалтерский Газета.ру Сергей Мерцалов. 365. Хронограф Blackalicious. Blazing Arrow. Данное издание содержит Корбина
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