David Bowie

Hospitality Marketing : An Introduction

Book Description Hospitality Marketing: an introduction takes a unique approach to outlining marketing processes in the hospitality industry. Ideal for those new to the topic of marketing, this text contextualises the subject for the...

T. Scott Gross

Positively Outrageous Service: How to Delight and Astound Your Customers and Win Them for Life

In today's tough economy, cutting prices and providing good service aren't enough. To be truly successful, innovative businesspeople must learn the art of Positively Outrageous Service (POS)-doing the unexpected unexpectedly and giving the...

Майкл Миллер

Компьютер с самого начала в цвете! Computer Basics

Перед вами полноцветное визуальное руководство по освоению компьютера, которое освещает самые интересные темы: как собрать компьютер, привезенный в коробках из магазина; работа с операционной системой Windows XP; ...

Dave Willis

Collins Cobuild: Student's Grammar

Student's Grammar: Self-Study Edition. The Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar provides learners of English from intermediate level upwards with a wealth of reference and practice material. Clear and spacious layout. Logical...

Fresh Dialogue Four: New Voices in Graphic Design

Book DescriptionFresh Dialogue Four bring together the work of three young and innovative graphic designers who have been selected as participants in the Fresh Dialogue series by the New York Chapter of the AIGA. Taking the word "spine" as its...

Roger Mason

Testosterone Is Your Friend: A Book for Both Men & Women

Book DescriptionTestosterone Is Your Friend is a book for both men & women. This is the most comprehensive, complete and researched book ever written on the subject. This book tells you how to: * test your levels without a doctor for only...

Annie Fellows Johnston

The Little Colonel

Book Description1895. Annie Fellows Johnston was a celebrated author of children's and juvenile fiction. She is best known for the Little Colonel series, a semi- biographical opus of 13 novels dealing with the aristocracy of old Kentucky,...

Frank Darabont

Screenwriters Award-Winner Gift Set: The Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, and Adaptation (Three Volumes)

Book DescriptionThe Newmarket Shooting Script® Sets offer a value-priced opportunity for screenplay lovers to build their collection. Each book within the set includes a facsimile of the film's actual shooting script, as chosen by the writer...

Mark Eastman

Powerful Playstation 2 Repair Guide: A Guide Through The Playstation 2 Repair Process

Book DescriptionDid you know that there is a 95% chance that you could have your Playstation 2 problem solved today? Most Playstation 2 problems are easy to fix if you know how, and that is exactly what the Powerful Playstation 2 Repair Guide will...

Eugene I. Gusev

Brain Ischemia

Book Description This monograph highlights modern concepts of brain ischemia and strategies of neuroprotective therapy. The first part of the book is devoted to mechanisms of ischemic brain damage. The authors present the results of their own...

Harriette Brower

Piano Mastery : The Harriette Brower Interviews

Book Description While a master class with a legendary performer is a dream for any student, we are treated here to the next best thing: a collection of chats with the world's greatest pianists. Here, in one remarkable volume, are the thoughts,...

<<<  Торты и пирожные. Если вы большой любитель всевозможной ...             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

Почта Е. Н. Миллер. Deutsch. Тексты и тесты для поступающих в вузы После войны - мир / Человек с другой стороны (2 в 1). После войны - мир (1988 Галина Лавренова. Пиво: напиток и лекарство, или Пиво пьет Александр Деревицкий. Коммерческая разведка Народ.ру Г. Г. Ивлева, М. В. Раевский. Немецкий язык Е. Шварц. Обыкновенное чудо (аудиокнига MP3) Рататуй. Специальное подарочное издание. Игра "Рататуй" Конференция iXBT.com A.E. Boyle. Environmental Regulation and Economic Е. А. Банников. Резьба по дереву Вести Яхо Конференция iXBT.com PERLMAN IPO MEHTA. MOZART:SINFONIA CONCERTANTE +. Исполнитель: Статистика Мой мир Газета.ру
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