J. W. Wright, Laura Drake, J. W., Jr. Wright

Economic and Political Impediments to Middle East Peace: Critical Questions and Alternative Scenarios (International Political Economy Series)

The Middle East peace process has gone through various stages of development, but has been impaired at each step by an inability to overcome economic problems in the region. This book both chronicles this process and offers critical insights...

Peter Kennedy

A Guide to Econometrics

A Guide to Econometrics has established itself as a preferred text for teachers and students throughout the world. It provides an overview of the subject and an intuitive feel for its concepts and techniques without the notation and technical...

Edward L. Whalen

A Guided Tour of the United States Economy : Promises among the Perils

If the past is really prologue, the spectacular growth of the U.S. economy over the last 40 years promises prosperity over the next 40 years. Whalen investigates the U.S. economy and the trends and events that created an economic output in 1999 that...

Colin C. Williams, Jan Windebank

Informal Employment in the Advanced Economies: Implications for Work and Welfare

Informal Employment in Advanced Economies challenges many of the popular myths surrounding informal economic activities. This book tackles the popular belief that informal employment is growing throughout the advanced economies; it...

Wendy Beech

Black Enterprise Guide to Starting Your Own Business (Black Enterprise Books)

BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine is the premier business news source for African Americans. With thirty years of experience, Black Enterprise continues to chronicle the achievements of African American professionals while providing monthly reports on...

Frederick L. Gould

Technician's Guide to Electronic Communications

The recent boom in the electronics communications market has technicians as well as engineers rushing to bolster their communications knowledge. Many books have been written for engineers, but this book clearly explains electronics communications...

David M. Kreps

A Course in Microeconomic Theory

David M. Kreps has developed a text in microeconomics that is both challenging and "user-friendly." The work is designed for the first-year graduate microeconomic theory course and is accessible to advanced undergraduates as well. Placing unusual...

Alexandra Reed Lajoux, J. Fred Weston

The Art of M&A: Financing and Refinancing: Sources and Instruments for Growth

The expansion of a business through merger or acquisition involves experience. Wisdom. The ability to envision how two or more combined companies can equal far more than the sum of their parts. It also involves, more often than not, the use of...

Richard Bronson, Govindasami Naadimuthu

Schaum's Outline of Operations Research

Tackling the broad range of allocation problems that actually confront engineers, programmers and analysts in today's business and industrial worlds, this book takes readers step-by-step through all the mathematical programming...

David L. Rados

Pushing the Numbers in Marketing

Packed with concrete examples, the book has been described by readers as "fascinating," "what I should have learned in school," and "mesmerizing." For those who want to move beyond reading to doing, the book contains a lengthy set of problems and...

Японская гравюра XVIII-XIX веков из собрания ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина / The Japanese Classical Prints of 18-19 Centuries in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

Японское собрание музея изобразительных искусств имени А.С.Пушкина принадлежит к числу ранних и крупнейших в Европе. В настоящее время оно насчитывает около четырехсот живописных свитков, более пятисот иллюстрированных книг и альбомов, около 1000...

<<<  Федеральный закон "Об общественных объединениях". Право граждан на объединение ...             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

Richard Armstrong. Understanding Realism Вакансии Гогле Работа ДМОЗ Ламберт Дэкерс. Мотивация. Теория и практика. Расширенный курс Рэндал Э. Брайант, Дэвид О'Халларон. Компьютерные системы: архитектура и программирование Купон на $30 для активации карты любой области или региона в подарок! Шапошников Л.Е.. История русской религиозной философии
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