Todd A. Gates

Why Do We Have to Work?

Back in the hunting and gathering days, the answer to the question "Why do we have to work?" was straightforward: you hunted because you were hungry, skinned animals because you needed clothing, and built a shelter for protection. Today the answer...

L. J. Rittenhouse

Do Business with People You Can Trust: Balancing Profits and Principles

At time when investors are wondering who to trust, L.J. Rittenhouse has written the first-ever guide to identifying trustworthy business leadership. She examines the letters that CEOs write in their annual reports to show readers how to spot...

Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Robert E. Quinn

A Company of Leaders: Five Disciplines for Unleashing the Power in Your Workforce

To be successful in today's business environment, organizations need the knowledge, ideas, energy, and creativity of every employee. The best companies accomplish this by turning themselves into a company of leaders --an organization in which...

Alejandro J. Burgos

A Business of My Own: A Simple Guide to Business Fundamentals

A book written for business people. Clear message, easy to follow, well chosen case studies, good sense of humor. The author - a business consultant - has much to say, and he says it well. A book worth reading!...

Roberto Roson, Kenneth A. Small

Environment and Transport in Economic Modelling (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Feem) Series on Economics, Ene)

The analysis of the relationship between transport and environmental policy invites an interdisciplinary treatment and a variety of approaches, and rightly so. An important subset of the approaches used involves economic analysis. Economic...

Martin J. Bailey, Nicolaus Tideman

Constitution for a Future Country

This book offers ways to overcome problems that arise when voters, politicians, and bureaucrats pursue selfish interests rather than the general interest in their political behavior. It combines previously published ideas about charging people...

Managerial Finance

Managerial Finance provides a clear and readable explanation of the most important topics managers should understand about business finance. These include resource management, investment and decision making, as well as the practical use of financial...

Pierre Lequeux

Financial Markets Tick By Tick

Tick by Tick is an in-depth and unique collection of analyses of the behaviour of the financial markets at the micro level. Its publication is particularly timely, given the current period of high volatility in the financial markets. LIFFE are proud...

Dan Rottenberg

The Inheritor's Handbook: A Definitive Guide for Beneficiaries (Bloomberg Personal Bookshelf)

THE ONLY GUIDE YOU'LL NEED TO WISELY MANAGE YOUR INHERITANCE AND MAKE IT GROW FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS... You're not alone. Sixty million Americans stand to be on the receiving end of an inheritance in the coming years. Planning is crucial if...

Janet Dine

The Governance of Corporate Groups (Cambridge Studies in Corporate Law 1)

This book explores the legal issues concerning groups of companies including regulation at national, international and global level. It offers a comparative discussion of the way in which issues common to the regulation of groups have been...

Faraz Shamim, Zaheer Aziz, Johnson Lui, Abe Martey

Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols (CCIE Professional Development Series)

The comprehensive, hands-on guide for resolving IP routing problems Understand and overcome common routing problems associated with BGP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, multicasting, and RIP, such as route installation, route advertisement,...

<<<  Хлоя Райбан. Сияние славы             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

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