Richard L. Doernberg, Luc Hinnekens, International Fiscal Association

Electronic Commerce and International Taxation

`Electronic commerce' -- a broad spectrum of commercial activities carried out through the use of computers -- has arrived. It is expanding. It has major implications for all facets of society. But tax authorities have questioned whether existing...

Dave Hemsath, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam

301 More Ways to Have Fun at Work

o By the coauthor of the bestselling 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work (more than 50,000 copies sold) o Accessible, practical information on creating a fun work environment o Works for anyone in any size or type of organization o Shows...

K. Sivaramakrishnan, Arun Agrawal

Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development in India

This book advances public and scholarly debates on development and globalization in new directions. It presents carefully developed case studies to show how the subjects of development are shaped by, and actively reshape, development ideas,...

Baldev Raj Nayar

Globalization and Nationalism: The Changing Balance in India's Economic Policy, 1950-2000

This book provides a new approach to the understanding of economic policy reform by placing it in the context of the perennial conflict between the two historical social forces of economic globalization and economic nationalism and examines...

Gordon Boyce, Gordon H. Boyce

Co-Operative Structures in Global Business : A New Approach to Networks, Technology Transfer Agreements, Strategic Alliances and Agency Relationships (Routledge International Studies in Business History)

This volume explores how firms operating in industries as diverse as filmmaking, shipping, engineering, mining, bottling, and advertising have collaborated to develop innovative services, technologies, and products to reach new markets....

Pat Dougan

Professional Acting in Television Commercials

What are the tools and techniques you need to make a successful career in television commercials? Does stage training help? How does one organize and market oneself to the people doing the hiring?...

Takao Kato, J. Pliskin

The Determinants of the Incidence and the Effects of Participatory Organizations

This volume of Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms consists of ten original papers. The first five papers address the effects of institutions of governance (at the workplace and corporate levels), including...

Rebecca Anne Allahyari

Visions of Charity: Volunteer Workers and Moral Community

In the United States, public talk about charity for the poor is highly moralistic, even in our era of welfare reform. But how do we understand the actual experience of caring for the poor? This study looks at the front lines of volunteer involvement...

Paul Wiefels

The Chasm Companion : A Fieldbook to Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado

In The Chasm Companion, The Chasm Group's Paul Wiefels presents readers with a new analysis of the ideas introduced in bestselling author Geoffrey Moore's classic books, Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado, and focuses...

Hamish Pringle, William Gordon

Brand Manners: How to Create the Self Confident Organization to Live the Brand

How often has a company's handling of a customer's telephone response to an advertisement or direct mailing turned out to be a turn off? How often has a customer interaction with staff, or 'moment of truth', in the retail environment turned into a...

David Nganele, Wallace Johnson

The Best Healthcare for Less : Save Money on Chronic Medical Conditions and Prescription Drugs

You can afford the care you need. If you?re one of the millions who suffer from medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, you know that these illnesses can, over time, cause extreme financial hardship. In this...

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Работа Гороскопы Shigeo Shingo. Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Российская газета Корбина В. Г. Овчинников. Методологическое введение в информатику М. Муромцева. Такса. Экстерьер Lance Taylor. Income Distribution, Inflation, and Growth: Lectures Гарик Сукачев. Барышня и Дракон. Барышня и дракон; Александр Торопцев. Двенадцать подвигов Mike Daugherty. Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Новости Автомобильный портал Бумажная кукла Маша. Любой девочке нравится наряжать кукол,
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