John R. Schermerhorn, James G. Hunt, Richard N. Osborn

Organizational Behavior

The theme of this edition is The High Performance Organization. Ethics and social responsibility, workforce diversity, technology, entrepreneurship, and skill-building are some of the important topics emphasized. Schermerhorn's new edition is...

Larry Davis

Pioneering Organizations: The Convergence of Individualism, Teamwork, and Leadership

In every age a few organizations rise above others to "bring fire" to the world-to change the way we live. These pioneering organizations include Ford, IBM, General Electric, Bell Labs, Microsoft, Dell,, and many others. These, and other...

Robert D. Putnam, Nicholas Bayne

Hanging Together: Cooperation and Conflict in the Seven-Power Summits

For more than a decade the leaders of the United States, Japan, Western Europe and Canada have met annually to discuss international economic and political issues. Hanging Together analyses the history of these seven-power summits and the...

Russell G. Almond

Graphical Belief Modeling

This innovative volume explores graphical models using belief functions as a representation of uncertainty, offering an alternative approach to problems where probability proves inadequate. Graphical Belief Modeling makes it easy to compare the two...

Albert J. Valentino

Personality Selling : Using NLP and the Enneagram to Understand People and How They Are Influenced

Personality Selling is a unique and long overdue concept for understanding the art of influence. It is the first book to combine the most powerful psychological models in use today - Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and the...

Scott R. Garrigus

SONAR 3 Power! (Power!)

"SONAR 3 Power!" will take you deep into the many features that this amazing software package offers. You ll get more than just a quick rundown of tools and buttons. You ll learn how to truly get the most out of SONAR 3 as you work your way through...

John Ray, William C. Ray

Mac OS X Unleashed, Second Edition

With the release of version 10.1 of Mac OS X in the fall of 2001, the new operating system was finally stable enough for mass distribution on all shipping Macintosh computers. Yet underneath the new colorful interface was a powerful, complicated...

Cass Sunstein

See only what you want to see, hear only what you want to hear, read only what you want to read. In cyberspace, we already have the ability to filter out everything but what we wish to see, hear, and read. Tomorrow, our power to filter promises to...

Molly E. Holzschlag

Sams Teach Yourself Adobe LiveMotion 2 in 24 Hours

LiveMotion is Adobe's premiere Web graphics and animation design tool. It allows designers to work with vector and raster graphics in an easy-to-use environment, with an interface that is designed to be both intuitive and familiar to those who...

Stephen L. Nelson, Michael Bushmohl, Michael Buschmohle

Effective Executive's Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002

Information and insights into how to maximize PowerPoint's capabilities to create outstanding and effective presentations are provided in this business user's reference for PowerPoint 2002. Instead of covering every utility that the software offers,...

Robert A. vandeGeijn

Using PLAPACK (Scientific and Engineering Computation)

PLAPACK is a library infrastructure for the parallel implementation of linear algebra algorithms and applications on distributed memory supercomputers such as the Intel Paragon, IBM SP2, Cray T3D/T3E, SGI PowerChallenge, and Convex Exemplar. This...

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Агата Кристи. Убийство в Восточном экспрессе. Драма в трех актах Светлана Гончаренко. Сыграй мне смерть по нотам... Футбол Лоскутик и облако. Сборник мультфильмов. Под редакцией А. А. Реана. Психология развития личности. Средний возраст, Одноклассники Линетт Лонг. Загадочная геометрия Топ майл.ру Jill Williams. Promoting Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom Поиск работы
Сызрань, Артём, Смоленск, Нижнекамск, Камышин, Новый Уренгой, Саранск, НижнийНовгород, Ижевск, Владивосток, Пенза, Саранск, Златоуст, Петрозаводск, Сочи, Стерлитамак, Тольятти, Назрань, Нефтеюганск, Тула, Рыбинск, СергиевПосад, Москва, Владивосток, Владивосток, Элиста, Челябинск, Элиста, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
Приключенческие триллеры| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Криминалистика| Естествознание| Музыка. Ноты| Рок| Криминалистика| Батально-исторические фильмы| Японский, китайский, хинди| Архитектура. Градостроительство| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Архитектура. Градостроительство| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Детская литература| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Экзотические приключения| Кинофантазии| Информационные технологии в предпринимательстве| Романтические комедии| Авантюрные приключения| Политика| Видеопрограммы о животных| Социальные драмы| Великие спортсмены| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Биографии художников| Программы об автомобилях| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Криминалистика| Социальные драмы|
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