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James K. Bartleman On Six Continents : Life in Canada's Foreign Service 1966-2002
Book DescriptionMuskoka, the University of Western Ontario, Ottawa, New York, Colombia, Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Peru, Cuba, Israel, Belgium, South Africa, Australia –the place-names tell the story of an amazing career. Then there are the people...
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Thomas O'Loughlin Discovering Saint Patrick
Book DescriptionThe search for the ?the real Saint Patrick? has puzzled and intrigued scholars for centuries. How much can we really know about the life and times of Patrick? Why and how was the Patrick myth built up in the seventh...
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Simon Harris Beginning Algorithms (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Book Description Beginning Algorithms A good understanding of algorithms, and the knowledge of when to apply them, is crucial to producing software that not only works correctly, but also performs efficiently. This is the only...
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Laura De Matias La sangre y sus enfermedades : La anemia, la hemofilia... (Medico en casa series)
Book Description Placing crucial information at patients’ fingertips, this series provides the necessary knowledge for patients to approach their health prepared and informed. Compiled by doctors and written in simple lay terms, the books...
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Mari Keating Schofield The Healing: True Tales of a Food Addict
Book DescriptionMari Keating Schofield is a compulsive eater with many years experience in the disease and many years healing from it. After being asked over and over again how she lost 100 pounds and kept it off, The Healing was born. The book...
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Elisabeth Vedrenne Pierre Paulin
Book DescriptionThe popularity enjoyed today by the French furniture designer Pierre Paulin traces its roots back to the Pop era, when Paulin incarnated the Pop aesthetic perfectly in his unique and revolutionary chairs. It was during the early...
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Robbe Wunschiers Computational Biology: Unix/Linux, Data Processing and Programming
Book DescriptionThis book is a practical introduction to Unix/Linux and programming for biologists as well as for chemists and physicists who work in bioinformatics and biophysics. The goal is to learn about the power of the stream editor 'sed' and...
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Elena Poniatowska Lilus Kikus and Other Stories
Book DescriptionThe first English edition of the work of one of Mexico's most admired women writers....
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Francis Hilliard A Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Book DescriptionHilliard, Francis. A Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency. Second edition, embracing the Bankrupt Act of 1867. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1867. xxxvi, 512 pp. Reprint available 2003 by The Lawbook Exchange,...
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Пушкинская библиотека. Собрание русской классической литературы в 80 томах (коллекционное издание)
Издательство "СЛОВО/SLOVO" представляет эксклюзивное собрание русской литературы в 80-ти томах - "Пушкинская библиотека". Переплет ручной работы из натуральной кожи специальной выделки. Переплетная мастерская Рихарда Майера...
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А. Н. Золотокрылин Климатическое опустынивание
В монографии обоснована концепция, выявлена природа и закономерности климатической составляющей современного опустынивания на примере двух ключевых засушливых регионов в Евразии и Северной Африке. Показано, что опустынивание регулируется изменениями...
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Домой Рамблер
Набор "Изысканный десерт". Гель для душа "Карамель и ваниль", 400 мл и лосьон
Полное дыхание / Короткое дыхание (2 DVD). Короткое дыхание (2006 г., 90
Русское радио
Михаил Грозовский. Мой первый букварик
Gene Siciliano. Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Ирина Вещикова, Валентина Карасева. Обращаемся
Дженнифер Блейк. Дженнифер Блейк. В трех книгах. Книга
Reiner Bartl. OSTEOPOROSIS : Diagnosis, Prevention, Therapy
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