Дж. Прайс

Невеста Чернобородого

В книгу вошли произведения Джереми Прайса "Невеста Чернобородого", Артура Конан Дойля "Рассказы о капитане Шарки", Пьера Мак Орлана "На борту "Утренней звезды"", Р. Ф. Делдерфилда "Приключения Бена Ганна"....

Nellie S. Huang, Peter Finch, Peter Finch

The SmartMoney Stock Picker's Bible

"They say if you give a man a fish, you can feed him for a day. . . Teach him how to fish, and he can eat for a lifetime. In The SmartMoney Stock Picker?s Bible, Peter Finch teaches people how to invest rather than to simply pick out a few hot...

Peter Groenewegen

Eighteenth Century Economics (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

Peter Groenewegen is one of the world's foremost scholars of eighteenth century economics - the era that saw the effective 'mainstreaming' of the discipline in the work of Smith, Turgot and Quesnay. This collection of essays amounts to the...

Jean Ensminger

Making a Market: The Institutional Transformation of an African Society (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

In Making a Market, Jean Ensminger analyzes the process by which the market was introduced into the economy of a group of Kenyan pastoralists. Professor Ensminger employs new institutional economic analysis to assess the impact of new market...

World Bank

Involuntary Resettlement: Planning and Implemention in Development Projects

Construction of infrastructure, a pre-requisite for sustained socioeconomic growth, often requires acquisition of land and, therefore, physical relocation and economic displacement of people. If such impacts, collectively characterized as...

Peter J. Frost, Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig c Lundberg, Joanne Martin

Reframing Organizational Culture

With this follow-up to Organizational Culture (Sage 1985), the editors continue their study of the interaction between investigation and the subject of inquiry. The editors have included a variety of frames as tools that allow readers to...

Elaine Gray

Conscious Choices : A Model for Self-Directed Learning

Promoting self-directed learning by creating an attitude and emotional readiness to learn, this text shows users how to develop qualities of emotional intelligence, increase critical thinking skills, and integrate personal goals into their decision...

Christine Jaszay, Paul Dunk

Training Design Guide for the Hospitality Industry

This is an extremely practical how to design training guide that hospitality managers can apply to your own propertys or facilitys training needs. From determining what the training needs actually are to determining the style and content of the...

Tracy Daniel Connors

The Volunteer Management Handbook

"Until now, we and other nonprofits had to find out the hard way?by trial and error?that garnering the energies of todays volunteers means answering their special needs. Thats where The Volunteer Management Handbook comes in, with helpful,...

Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, Stephen D. Krasner

Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics: A Special Issue of International Organization

Over the last thirty years, international political economy and international relations have become increasingly sophisticated, both empirically and theoretically. Realist, liberal, and constructivist theorists have developed research programs that...

Vasanthakumar N. Bhat

The Green Corporation

Green management is the next major challenge for American business managers. State-of-the-art green management practices are needed to reduce pollution and to improve competitiveness. Every functional area of the firm will participate. World class...

<<<  Гоночные автомобили. Открой книгу `Гоночные автомобили` ...             М. И. Дубровин. English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский ... >>>

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