Anindya Banerjee, J.W. Galbraith, Juan Dolado, David Hendry

Co-Integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

This book is wide-ranging in its account of literature on cointegration and the modelling of integrated processes (those which accumulate the effects of past shocks). Data series which display integrated behavior are common in economics, although...

Jagadeesh Gokhale, Kent A. Smetters

Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: New Budget Measures for New Budget Priorities

Many appreciate that the federal government's finances are shaky. However, few realize how really bad they are because most evaluations are based on what happened in the past--not what is likely to happen in the future. Although we are accustomed to...

John P. Dickenson, Bill Gould, Colin Clarke, Sandra Mather, Mansell Prothero, David Siddle, Clifford Smith, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, John Dickenson

The Geography of the Third World

The Third World and its complexities arouse increasing curiosity and concern throughout the developed world. While the ambitions of colonialism have been increasingly spurned in favor of the goals of human rights, the Third World still finds itself...

International Business Publications USA

Australia: Investment & Business Guide

Ultimate guide for conducting investment, export-import activity in the country. Strategic and business information, contacts, regulations and more. Updated annually...

Dimitri Devuyst, Luc Hens, Walter De Lannoy, W. De Lannoy

How Green Is the City?

Urban lifestyles characterized by high consumption levels, exuberant use of natural resources, excessive production of waste, a widening gap between rich and poor, and rapid growth of the global human population pose a major problem for the future...

Amy Domini

Socially Responsible Investing : Making a Difference and Making Money

Put your money where your heart is! It sounds like an oxymoron: Can you really make money as a socially responsible investor? The answer is, unquestionably, yes. The way you invest can contribute not only to your bottom line but...

Lloyd King

Test Your Creative Thinking

Almost everyone is born with the capacity to be creative, but those skills are often neglected or untapped. Creative and lateral thinking is all about thinking "outside the box", which means breaking out of familiar thought patterns and coming up...

Mitt Romney

Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic Games

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney gives you the inside story on how he rescued the Salt Lake City Olympics--and how his own brand of leadership makes him one of the Republican Party's most compelling new stars....

Hank Moore

The High Cost of Doing Nothing: How to avoid troubles and assure success - Painting the Big Picture of Business Knowledge

Why do good companies go bad? Why do they start with so much energy and promise but end up mired in bureaucracy and plodding toward mediocrity and failure? Answers to those questions can be found in The High Cost of Doing Nothing by Hank Moore. ...

Martin Lister, Jon Dovey, Seth Giddings, Iain Grant, Kieran Kelly

New Media

New Media: A Critical Introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the culture, technologies and history of new media. The authors consider the ways in which "new media" really are new, assess claims that a media and technological revolution is...

Diannah Morgan, Ed Gaskell

Creative Titling with Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro has revolutionized the world of desktop video editing. Now it's set to do the same for title sequences. Every great filmmaker knows that good titles set the tone and stamp an identity, and with Final Cut Pro and the bundled LiveType...

<<<  Энциклопедия рыночного хозяйства. Ресурсный потенциал экономического ...             М. И. Дубровин. English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский ... >>>

Счетчик Gary William Flake. The Computational Beauty of Nature: Computer Explorations ЖЖ James L. Kenkel. Introductory Statistics Г. А. Николаева, Т. С. Сергеева. Бухгалтерский учет в общественном питании Топ Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler. The Best Of. Private Investigations. Гого Френсис Кумбс. Мотиватор Статистика Ensemble Classique. Brassissimo - The Best Of Ensemble Class. Исполнитель: Суперсемейка (DVD-BOX). Суперэнергия! Суперсила! Суперскорость! Транслит Edgar Allan Poe, Antonella Caputo, Rick Geary, J. А. П. Аксенов. Нематериальные активы. Структура, оценка, Gregory H. Watson. Business Systems Engineering : Managing Breakthrough TOURANGEAU/DAVIES. MASSENET:THERESE. Исполнитель: Борис Костин. Гром Победы, раздавайся! James A. Calloway. Winning Alternatives
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