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Л. В. Символоков Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Самоучитель
Самоучитель содержит краткий учебный курс по использованию Excel. Он призван помочь начинающему читателю в минимальные сроки освоить широкий спектр инструментов и средств этой программы. Концентрация внимания на наиболее эффективных, сложных и редко...
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Richard Farson, Ralph Keyes The Innovation Paradox : The Success of Failure, the Failure of Success
In The Innovation Paradox, Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes argue that failure has its upside, success its downside. Both are steps toward achievement, and the two extremes are not as distinct as we imagine. In today's business economy,...
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Abdol S. Soofi, Liangyue Cao Modelling and Forecasting Financial Data: Techniques of Nonlinear Dynamics (Studies in Computational Finance, Volume 2)
Over the last decade, dynamical systems theory and related nonlinear methods have had a major impact on the analysis of time series data from complex systems. Recent developments in mathematical methods of state-space reconstruction, time-delay...
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Steve Buchholz, Thomas Roth Creating the High Performance Team
An adaptation of Wilson's popular seminar, providing practical tips for building teams in organizations. Shows managers how to create a sense of interdependence in a team, how to set goals through participative leadership, how to anticipate problems...
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Jay A. Block, Michael Betrus Great Answers! Great Questions! For Your Job Interview
Answers to the toughest interview questions--and questions that make job hunters look great Great Answers! Great Questions! For Your Job Interview prepares readers for anything that might come their way during that...
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Michael S. Schell, Charlene M. Solomon Capitalizing On the Global Workfororce: A Strategic Guide fo Expatriate Management
U.S. corporations employ 5.5 million people abroad and sent 30% more American expatriates overseas in 1994 than in the previous year. How a company selects and manages the people who will run their operations overseas and how it adjusts domestically...
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Philip Baguley Teach Yourself Teams and Team-Working (Teach Yourself)
Behind virtually every business success is a close-knit team. But creating a well-oiled machine out of a diverse group of employees takes skill. This comprehensive introduction to business teams explains the ins and outs of assembling and...
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Michael T. Curley, Joseph A. Walker Barron's How to Prepare for the Stockbroker Exam: Series 7 (Barron's How to Prepare for the Stockbroker's Examination. Series 7, 2nd ed)
A 250-question full-length test closely approximates the actual Series 7 Stockbroker Exam, with answers to all questions. Detailed and up-to- date review chapters cover all exam subjects, which include: corporate securities, U.S. Government...
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Thomas L. Floyd Principles of Electric Circuits: Electron-Flow Version (5th Edition)
This full-color guide provides a clear introduction to DC/AC circuits with numerous exercises and examples, an abundance of illustrations, photographs, tables and charts, and a strong emphasis on troubleshooting. Uses an electron-flow approach...
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Peter Skat-Rordam Changing Strategic Direction: Practical Insights Into Opportunity Driven Business Development
This new and refreshingly simple approach to strategy development emphasizes the pursuitof business opportunities as a way to generate growth while escaping the strategic planning "tyranny." Leading strategy thinkers are quite aware of the...
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Steven Holzner, Steve Holzner Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages in 21 Days offers a proven tutorial format to teach JSP in 21 example-driven lessons. This book is for Web publishing professionals migrating to JavaServer Pages for its ability to create dynamic,...
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Домой Dmitri Shostakovich. String Quartets Nos.14, 15. Представляем
Supreme Commander (DVD-BOX). Уже тысячу лет три противоборствующие силы
Гэррет Шелдон. Политическая философия Томаса Джефферсона
Л. В. Хведченя, Р. В. Хорень. Английский язык. Для поступающих в вузы
Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll (DS). Присоединяйтесь к обезьянкам
Именины. Юрий Кузнецов ("Игры мотыльков", "Дневник камикадзе") и Игорь
Поросенок. Вышивка гладью. Представляем вашему вниманию набор для
Белгород, Стерлитамак, Нижнекамск, Октябрьский, Череповец, Москва , Тобольск, Нефтеюганск, Кострома, Владимир, Новошахтинск,
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