Kirsten S. Wever

Labor, Business, and Change in Germany and the United States

This book explores how and why economic, societal, and governmental factors impact systemic change in Germany and the United States. Examples are pulled from industry that display the divergent processes of change in the two nations....

Ehtisham Ahmad, Vito Tanzi

Fiscal Decentralization (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)

The growth of interest in fiscal decentralization has meant that there has been something of a rush to enshrine this in policy - The World Bank has reported that about 70 countries see this as a major part of their development strategy. This book...

Harvard Business Review on Managing Your Career

A collection of reflective articles walks readers through tough career challenges--from effective time management to part-time arrangements to launching a new career. Softcover....

David A. Nadler, Janet L. Spencer, Janet L. Spencer, the Delta Consulting Group Inc

Executive Teams (Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series)

Facing an explosion of workplace complexity, many executives choose a team-supported approach to organizational leadership over more traditional leadership models. Executive Teams provides both CEOs and senior team members themselves with an...

Joan E. Friedenberg, Curtis H. Bradley

How to Get a Job in America

Bilingual Russian/English Guide by two leading expects in the employment and retraining field. This guide was used by all of the major absorption agencies in the United States in assisting American new-comers to finding work. It gives a thorough...

Lance A. Compa, Stephen F. Diamond

Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)

Contributors to Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade provide the first comprehensive view of labor rights in the international trade system and the avenues open to worker rights claims in the global economy under international human...

Thomas Lange, J.R. Shackleton, J. R. Shackleton

The Political Economy of German Unification

Although German unification has had a profound impact on European integration and economic development, very few studies of the East German economy exist. The editors of this volume have therefore brought together specialists in economics and...

Mary Margaret Fonow

Union Women: Forging Feminism in the United Steelworkers of America (Social Movements, Protest, and Contention, V. 17)

For more than a quarter century, steel mills in the United States and Canada have produced more than metal: they have produced a new kind of worker and union activist-"Women of Steel." In an era labeled postfeminist and postindustrial, women have...

Stephen R. Gliessman, Stephen R Gliessman

Agroecosystem Sustainability: Developing Practical Strategies

Agroecologists from around the world share their experiences in the analysis and development of indicators of agricultural sustainability in Agroecosystem Sustainability: Developing Practical Strategies. The authors build on the resource-conserving...

Brian Coyle

Measuring Credit Risk (The Glenlake Risk Management Series)

A business and/or credit manager needs to know how decisions about giving and taking credit can be reasched and to understand in more detail how the various methods of analysis are used. That is the purpose of this book. It introduces the various...

Identifying Waste on the Shopfloor

In Identifying Waste on the Shopfloor, the Productivity Development Team has created an excellent guide to quickly understanding, identifying, and eliminating shop floor waste. From inventory waste to process-related waste, Identifying Waste on the...

<<<  В. Колосов. Хрестоматия шедевров популярной музыки для гитары. Тетрадь №2             М. И. Дубровин. English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский ... >>>

Карин Котци, Рене Берг. Оригинальные шторы Э. Мах. Познание и заблуждение. Очерки по психологии Поиск работы Фото Почта Яхо Перекрестный огонь. Роберт Янг ("Другая женщина"), Роберт Ю. Г. Кокорина, Ю. А. Лихтер. Морфология декора Маргарита Прокофьева. Делакруа Martin Potucek. Not Only the Market: The Role Путешествия Автомобильный портал Коллекция Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера: Третье поколение. Удо Кир ("В последний Из рук в руки А. В. Суворов. Наука побеждать. Полковой устав (аудиокнига МР3) Третьяков П.В.. Рабочая тетрадь учителя по предмету "Окружающий Работа Русское радио Работа Конференция Яндекс
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