Jonathan I. Klein

Corporate Failure by Design: Why Organizations Are Built to Fail

Based on data regarding corporate mortality, organizations are built to fail: a conclusion critical to managers, employees, stockholders, consultants, customers, vendors, competitors, and therefore all of us who transact with and depend on...

Todd Lapidus, Todd Lapidus

High-Impact Training : Getting Results and Respect

Who is the real customer of training? Don't stay caught in old school thinking. The participant is not your customer. You may think that because your participants are smiling when they leave the training room that you have conducted a...

J. Kirkland Grant

Securities Arbitration for Brokers, Attorneys, and Investors

Contrasting arbitration of securities disputes with litigation in the courts, this book reviews the interaction of federal securities laws and arbitration in light of caselaw. This review culminates in the recent U.S. Supreme Court cases supporting...

John Geweke

Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty: New Models and Empirical Findings (Theory and Decision Library : Series B : Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Vol 22)

This volume collects the best work representative of the theory of decision making under risk and uncertainty. Thirteen articles present extensions and alternatives to expected utility theory explaining behavior in and out of the laboratory,...

The MCI Directory of Management Information

This directory lists the leading UK providers of management development. It is an invaluable guide for any aspiring manager, HR director, trainer, adviser or consultant. Readers will find a wealth of information about the leading firms,...

Timothy J. McMahon

Dear God! I Never Wanted to Be a Salesman: The Best of Tim McMahon

Tim McMahon never wanted to be a sales rep but became one of today's great sales pro's, sales motivators, and authors. With humor and wonderful insight, "Never A Sales Rep" is an absolute Must-Read for every salesperson who aspires to greatness. Tim...

Карнаухова Л.

Государственный музей А. С. Пушкина, Москва

Альбом-каталог представляет небольшую, но наиболее значимую и изученную часть музейного собрания - коллекцию живописного и графического портрета XVIII-XIX веков. Государственный музей А.С.Пушкина, являясь музеем литературного профиля, в...

Tay Kratzer

Novell's GroupWise 6.5 Administrator's Guide

GroupWise allows corporate users to manage documents, share calendars, and control project workflow across network operating systems, including Novell NetWare, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Changes in version 6.5 include improvements to the...

Gordon Padwick

Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2000 (Special Edition Using)

Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2000 provides all the information a user, administrator, or programmer needs to maximize their use of Microsoft Outlook 2000. While the book quickly covers the basics of Outlook, it focuses with much...

Inc. NIIT, Rashim Mogha, Ruchi Bhargava

Sun One Studio Programming

Provides in-depth coverage of the Forte for Java IDE product line and introduces the features of the IDE. It then moves on to explain the steps to install and customize the IDE and develop basic Java applications. Further, it describes the steps to...

Chris Nikolopoulos

Expert Systems: Introduction to First and Second Generation and Hybrid Knowledge Based Systems

This hands-on reference/text offers a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to the field of expert/knowledge based systems--covering current and emerging trends as well as future research areas. Considers both the system shell and programming...

<<<  Альтгаузен А. Л. , Ласточкин С. А.. Кондиционеры и климатические ...             М. И. Дубровин. English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский ... >>>

Ansel M Sharp, Charles A Register, Paul W Grimes, Ansel Sharp, Charles Register, Артур Конан Дойл. Артур Конан Дойл. Собрание сочинений в 12 томах. Том Анна Малышева. Когда отступать некуда, дерутся Ответы М. Грозовский, М. Дружинина. Азбука в картинках Виктор Мамонов. Одинокий бег Девчонки-соседки. Конструктор из картона. Конструктор из картона "Девчонки-соседки" Статистика Павел Молитвин. Спутники Волкодава. Ветер РБК Norman R. Howes. Modern Project Management Chip Heath, Dan Heath. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive В. Н. Тяжлов. Раннее Средневековье Кира Соболь. Как обрести и сохранить достаток. Молитвы, обряды, Джеймс Роберт Бейкер. Инжектором втиснутые сны
Курск, Благовещенск, Ульяновск, Ангарск, Камышин, Кисловодск, Кострома, Чебоксары, Дербент, Рязань, Подольск, Иркутск, Тольятти, Москв, Киров,
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