Rene A. Carmona

Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in S-PLUS

Book DescriptionThis book develops the use of statistical data analysis in finance, and it uses the statistical software environment of S-PLUS as a vehicle for presenting practical implementations from financial engineering. It is divided into three...

Michael Hammer

The Agenda : What Every Business Must Do to Dominate the Decade's Best of 2001"Suddenly," writes Michael Hammer in the opening to his confidently but aptly named new book The Agenda , "business is not so easy anymore." He then sets out an ambitious plan for righting what many businesses are...

Alessandra Meniconzi

The Silk Road / La Ruta de la Seda

Book DescriptionOn her beloved mountain bike Alessandra Meniconzi has traveled along the over 2,000 year-old trade route that links Orient and Occident: the Silk Road. Her sensitive, understanding nature allowed her to gain access to lives that...

Incredible Eyes

In 2004, hundreds of international photographers were invited to capture the magic and beauty of the eye, and the best of these gorgeous images are collected in Incredible Eyes. Featuring page after page of beautiful, high-quality photos, the...

Duncan Marsh

Applied Geometry for Computer Graphics and CAD (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

Book DescriptionFocussing on the manipulation and representation of geometrical objects, this book explores the application of geometry to computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD). New features in this revised and updated edition include:...

Jay Mohr

Gasping for Airtime : Two Years in the Trenches of Saturday Night Live

Book Descriptionhen 21-year-old Jay Mohr moved from New Jersey to New York City to pursue his dream of stand-up stardom, he never thought the first real job he'd land would be on Saturday Night Live. But, surprisingly, that's just what he did. What...

Thomas M. Mack

Cancers in the Urban Environment

Book DescriptionThis volume, the first of its kind ever, is designed to provide both laypersons and professionals with a detailed description of the occurrence of each common form of cancer in the ethnically, socially, and environmentally complex...

Daniel T. Banach

Autodesk Inventor 10 Essentials Plus

Book Description Over 1,000 screen captures adorning this book assist in the clarification of essential Autodesk Inventor® concepts, from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques. Thoroughly updated to release 10, this...

Larry Wasserman

All of Statistics : A Concise Course in Statistical Inference (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Book DescriptionThis book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It brings together many of the main ideas in modern statistics in one place. The book is suitable for students and researchers in statistics, computer...

Joan Lowery Nixon

Murdered, My Sweet

Book DescriptionJenny Jakes and her mother, a famous mystery writer, travel to San Antonio to see their cousin, Arnold Harmony, who's made his fortune in the chocolate business. Harmony, an eccentric millionaire, wants his will read publicly before...

Андре Глюксман

Достоевский на Манхэттене

Андре Глюксман, один из самых известных современных французских философов, представитель "новой философии". Книга "Достоевский на Манхэттене" стала результатом размышлений философа над ключевыми политическими событиями конца ХХ века - трагедии 11...

<<<  С. Т. Антипов, В. Я. Валуйский, В. А. Панфилов, О. А. Ураков. ...             Илья Стогoff. Миллиардеры >>>

Джек Потрошитель. Компания Galilea Multimedia предлагает собственную версию Cindy Sherman. Cindy Sherman: Working Girl (Decade Series 2005) Работа Шахматист. Часть 2. Серии 7-12. Михаил Мамаев ("Маркиз Бесплатные объявления BBC: Планета Земля какой вы ее еще не видели. Корбина CLAUDE CHALLE PRESENTS:. THE R.E.G. PROJECT. Исполнитель: Вести Политология. Ю.В.Ирхин. Учебник "Политология " подготовлен Roxanna Ryder. Chasing the King Корнелиус Лука. Торговля на мировых валютных рынках Фото Все о Линукс Каталог мобильных телефонов. Каждый, кто сталкивается Джеффри Дивер. Голубое Нигде М. Б. Антипова, А. В. Верниковская, Е. С.
Оренбург, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Сургут, Киселёвск, Обнинск, Находка, Челябинск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Великие Луки, Ульяновск, Артём, Миасс, Красноярск, Первоуральск,
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