Debt Management and Government Securities Markets in the 21st Century

Book DescriptionThis book reviews recent trends in the structure of OECD government securities markets and public debt management operations, and highlights the generic structural policy issues in emerging debt markets. Over the years, OECD debt...

Art and Experience:

Book DescriptionIn recent years, "experience" has been one of the most ambiguous, evasive, and controversial terms in myriad disciplines including epistemology, religion, literary theory, and philosophical aesthetics. Its association with the...

David E. Carter

The Little Book of Business Cards : Successful Designs and How to Create Them

Book Description The business card has taken on a new level of importance in recent years. In an age where the business letter has been replaced by email, the personal contact evoked by a business card is more crucial than ever. Your card is often...

Charles Nugent

British Watercolours : in The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, A Summary Catalogue

Book Description The Whitworth Gallery, founded in 1889, holds one of the finest collections of British watercolours and drawings. This is the first book to publish this outstanding group of works in its entirety, and provides a fascinating...

Anthony Petullo

Self-Taught & Outsider Art: The Anthony Petullo Collection

Book DescriptionThis spectacular volume reproduces in full color some 150 pieces from the Anthony Petullo Collection, an extraordinary assemblage of paintings and drawings produced by individuals working outside the perimeter of conventional art...

Frieda Hempel

My Golden Age of Singing (Opera Biography Series, No. 10)

Book DescriptionFrieda Hempel (1885--1955) was among the greatest sopranos of opera's Golden Age. She created the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier in both Berlin and at the Metropolitan Opera, where she debuted with Caruso in 1912....

Spider Robinson

Night of Power

Book Description The place: a future New York City torn by racial tension and ripe for rebellion. The revolutionaries have high technology and careful planning on their side, their soldiers are well trained and sworn to secrecy, and their plans...

Abner Gibber

Weird Trails

A facsimile reprint of the April 1933 issue of "Weird Trails" magazine, featuring M.M.Moamrath's "Riders of the Purple Ooze," and many more. ...

Laurence Yep

The Magic Paintbrush

Book Description Steve can hardly believe it. With his new paintbrush, whatever he paints becomes real. Now he, Grandfather, and Uncle Fong can wish for anything they want. Uncle Fong uses the paintbrush to return to China, to the village of his...

Lyn Rossiter McFarland

Mouse Went Out to Get a Snack

Book Description A mouse counting on a snack A peckish mouse on the hunt for a light snack - something like a piece of cheese - climbs up the table and finds a feast fit for a king. He prepares an enormous platter filled with...

Eliot Van Buskirk, John Alderman

iPod and iTunes QuickSteps

The best-selling, full-color QuickSteps series now covers the world's favorite MP3 player. Users will learn to get up and running with the iPod and iTunes, download and play music, use the iPod's calendar, to do list, contacts, and notes functions,...

<<<  Дейв Саттон, Том Кляйн. Новая наука маркетинга. Маркетинговое ...             Илья Стогoff. Миллиардеры >>>

Все о Линукс Русские народные сказки. В книге собрано двадцать Поиск людей Билайн Robert W. MacDonald. Cheat to Win: The Honest Way to Агент майл.ру Газета.ру Народ.ру Dmitri Shostakovich. String Quartets Nos.14, 15. Представляем Валерий Роньшин. Тайна одноглазой "Джоконды" О компьютерах Конференция Статистика Яндекс VALERY GE. TCHAIKOVSK. Исполнитель: VALERY GE Франц Штарк. Волшебный мир немецкого языка Почта Peter J. van Baalen, Lars T. Moratis. Management Каталог софта
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