R. Patrick Cash

Management of Retail Buying

Book DescriptionRetail buying covers broad areas such as organization of retail establishments, distribution, roles of buying groups, planning and control, choosing vendors, negotiation, pricing, and selling of goods and services to the consumer....

For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness

Book Description"I met Charles Albert Lucien Snelling on a Saturday in April, 1992. He lived in a typical two up two down terraced house amongst many other two up two down terraced houses . . . it was yellow and orange. In that respect it was...

Felix Hess

Light as Air

Book Description "I am not investigating in the objective world; I am investigating sensitivity." In this quotation, sound artist Felix Hess reveals a lot about his works of art: In his fragile-looking objects and installations, he constructs...

Laurie Dahlberg

Larry Fink

Book DescriptionBorn in 1941, Larry Fink was a disaffected teenager in 1950s America on the cusp of radical social change. At art school his career as a photographer began to flourish. He spent the 1960s watching and learning from the prominent...

Donna K. Reid

Thinking and Writing About Art History, Third Edition

Book DescriptionDesigned to provide readers with the tools necessary to glean a solid understanding of art history, this succinct and accessible guide offers a practical introduction to the methodology of art history and an overview of writing in...

Nancy Holder, Jeff Mariotte

Endangered Species

Is It Time For Atonement Cordelia Chase is accustomed to being rocked by visions of horror courtesy of the Powers That Be. But she is particularly disturbed to be visited with the image of someone she knows:...

Melanie Rawn

Dragon Prince #1 (Dragon Prince)

Melanie Rawn's best-selling debut is a novel of love and war, magic and madness, and deadly dangerous dragons that hold the secret to unimaginable wealth that could prove key to mutual peace-or a bloody tyrant's reign. And among it all, an...

Mat Santamouris

Energy Performance of Residential Buildings : A Practical Guide for Energy Rating and Efficiency

Mat Santamouris a recognized expert in building physics and the application of solar and energy-efficiency technologies, is Associate Professor in the Physics Department, University of Athens, Greece, and Visiting Professor at the University of...


Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes (Harvard Classics, Part 8)

Book Description1909. Contents: The House of Atreus; Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. Oedipus the King; Antigone by Sophocles. Hippolytus; The Bacchae by Euripides. The Frogs by Aristophanes....

Phil Hester

Firebreather Volume 1

Book DescriptionDivorce is tough for any teenager, but when your mother is a typical suburban soccer mom and your dad is a 300-foot-tall, city-trampling, battleship-devouring monster, things get even tougher. This is Duncan Rosenblatt's reality. His...

Peggy Lipton

Breathing Out

Book Description Peggy Lipton's overnight success as Julie Barnes on television's hit The Mod Squad made her an instant fashion icon and the "it" girl everyone-from Elvis to Paul McCartney-wanted to date. She was the original and ultimate...

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Козерог. Магнит. Подарок на магните с изображением козерога! Подарки Wayne Ellwood, John McMurtry. The No-Nonsense QIP.ру Медитация: Путь к гармонии. Часть первая. Теория. Мой мир Поиск людей Яхо Поиск майл.ру Бокал пивной "Кенигсберг" (Стекло, гравировка - Германия, 1938 Российская газета EMERSON. PROKOFIEV:STRING. Исполнитель: Из рук в руки Работа Александр Минчин. Юджиния
Красноярск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Рыбинск, Прокопьевск, Саранск, Глазов, Уфа, Сызрань, Бийск, Каменск-Уральский, Каменск-Уральский, Новокуйбышевск, Батайск, Казань, Чита, Первоуральск, Балашиха,
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