Simon Jennings

New Artist's Manual: The Complete Guide to Painting And Drawing Materials And Techniques

Book DescriptionHere's four years of art school in book form?minus the loans. Taking the top lessons, methods, and instruction from the best-selling Artist's Manual and Art Class, plus all-new material, The New Artist's Manual is a veritable...

Richard Hamilton Smith

Spirit of the North: A Photographic Journey Through Northern Wisconsin

Book DescriptionAward-winning photographer Richard Hamilton Smith's images of Northern Wisconsin reveal a complex landscape both apparent and mysterious, meditative and dynamic, vast yet intimate. In these photographs we see the north in all its...

Sandra Leibowitz Earley

Ecological Design and Building Schools : Green Guide to Educational Opportunities in the United States and Canada

Book Description The only directory of its kind in North America, this comprehensive guide features an annotated listing of schools and educational centers offering programs in ecological architecture and construction. Included also are a 10-year...

New Yorkers: As Seen by Magnum Photographers

Book DescriptionDiffering from other picture books on New York, New Yorkers: As Seen by Magnum Photographers introduces a gallery of eye-catching untamed images of the metropolis, taken by Magnum photographers. Known for their independent spirit,...

C. Bond Dutoit

The Truth

Book DescriptionThis science fiction novel creates an unforgettable and provocative story about religion, science, love and deception. The characters include an evangelical preacher, a beautiful young secretary, a reporter in search of a major story...

Bird Gardens (Better Homes & Gardens (Paperback))

Book Description People enjoy welcoming birds to their gardens. This book blends inspiration and implementation to demonstrate how to use plants to attract and accommodate birds. All the information for proper planning: Landscape...

Simon Doonan

Nasty : My Family and Other Glamorous Varmints

Book Description When Simon Doonan sat down to write a memoir, he discovered he had no memories of cuddly family times or romantic Hallmark moments -- turns out most of his memories are notably nasty. Birthday parties? No recollection. But his...

Paula J. Massood

Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences in Film (Culture and the Moving Image)

Book DescriptionIn Black City Cinema, Paula Massood shows how popular films reflected the massive social changes that resulted from the Great Migration of African Americans from the rural South to cities in the North, West, and Mid-West during the...

Roger Lundin

Emily Dickinson and the Art of Belief (Library of Religious Biography Series)

Book DescriptionGarnishing awards from "Choice," "Christianity Today," "Books & Culture," and the Conference on Christianity and Literature when first published in 1998, Roger Lundin's "Emily Dickinson and the Art of Belief" has been widely...

Inc. Adobe Systems

Adobe InDesign CS2 Official JavaScript Reference

Book Description Do you spend too much time doing repetitive production tasks such as placing and replacing images, correcting errors in text, cutting and pasting, and preparing files for printing, instead of being creative? Do you use Adobe...

Владимир Даль

Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка в четырех томах. Том 3

В словаре содержится около 200 тыс. слов. Наряду с лексикой литературного языка первой половины XIX века здесь представлены областные слова, терминология разных профессий и ремесел, около 30 тыс. пословиц и поговорок....

<<<  Харуки Мураками. Дэнс, Дэнс, Дэнс             Илья Стогoff. Миллиардеры >>>

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Махачкала, Псков, Новороссийск, Москва, Кызыл, Новошахтинск, Ковров, Ноябрьск, Ноябрьск, Новороссийск, Сочи, Пятигорск,
Предпринимательство| Средний и малый бизнес| Макроэкономика| Сборники зарубежных мультфильмов| Общественные науки| Музыка| Спортивные| Мультипликационные сериалы| Экранизации детской литературы| Персоналия| Студентам ВУЗов| Пародийные комедии| Игры и программы для детей| Танец. Хореография| Учебные| Учебные| Подводный мир и дайвинг| Актеры.| Песенники. Музыка| Правоведение| Зарубежная фэнтези| Общие работы по всемирной истории| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Исторические фильмы| Конструкторы деревянные| Криминальные детективы| Строительные материалы| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Энциклопедии, справочники| Биографии писателей| Детский детектив| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы| Боевики| Прикладная культурология| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Экранизации современной прозы| Военные и армейские боевики| Телесериалы| Энциклопедии пользователя ПК|
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