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Афган, дикая страна, странная война... Корреспонденты Российского телевидения Ольга Шелестова и Никита Беляев в тот день выехали снимать передовые позиции. На обратной дороге Ольга пересела в машину к коллегам-журналистам, чтобы успеть к эфиру, и...

Сквайр Рашнелл

Когда Бог подмигивает. О том, как Бог ведет нас по жизни с помощью "случайных совпадений"

Наверное, в жизни каждого из нас случались удивительные совпадения. Автор книги "Когда Бог подмигивает" - СКвайр Рашнелл - уверен, что подобные совпадения вовсе не случайны. Да это и не совпадения вовсе! Это знаки свыше. Это "дорожные указатели",...

Putting Emotional Intelligence To Work, Successful Leadership is More Than IQ

Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work offers a new paradigm of communication for the 21st-century workplace. Beginning with the thoughts of communication pioneer Carl Rogers, this book covers the origins and history of emotional intelligence, why...

Michael Kenny, James Meadowcroft

Planning Sustainability (Environmental Politics)

Environmental sustainability has become one of the most salient issues on the policy agenda of the nation-states. Planning Sustainability argues that planning is seldom credited by advocates of environmental politics....

P. W. Preston

Development Theory: An Introduction

In this invaluable introduction to the major post-Second World War theories of Third World development, Peter Preston takes as his focus the strategies used to analyze change in the Third World and examines the ways in which different conceptions of...

M. Glynn Shumake

Increasing Productivity and Profit in the Workplace: A Guide to Office Planning and Design

Offers invaluable and accessible guidance for designing workspaces in order to increase productivity and efficiency and reduce operating costs. After reviewing an existing situation, the author presents a variety of approaches that include...


Milady's Art and Science of Nail Technology, 1997 Edition

Designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to pass state licensing exams and to provide professional nail technology services, this newly revised resource will enable you to educate and graduate the most well prepared nail...

J. Michael Farr

America's Top White-Collar Jobs: Detailed Information on 110 Major Office, Management, Sales, and Professional Jobs (America's Top White-Collar Jobs, 5th Ed)

This is an information-packed reference with thorough descriptions of 110 of the best jobs in our economy! And it is organized in four main sections and appendices in such a say that readers can quickly find the information they need. Includes the...

Cliff Ricketts

Leadership:: Personal Development/Career Success

For students pursuing careers in agriculture, this text of choice emphasizes training for leadership, techniques for personal development, and how to select and succeed in a career. Learning styles to help students understand the way they learn and...

Iris Varner, Linda Beamer

Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace

Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace continues to be a vital reference for global business professionals. This new edition features updated discussions on the impact of globalization and technology in business communication,...

Bil Holton, Cher Holton

The Manager's Short Course to a Long Career

In management, as in life, classroom training can only do so much. It takes real-world experiences to develop skills that will work in the real world. This book offers 101 self-directed tactics and activities designed to develop or upgrade...

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Киселёвск, Октябрьский, Дербент, Ангарск, Пятигорск, Ярославль, Улан-Удэ, Тобольск, Курган, Армавир, Астрахань, Петрозаводск, Ижевск, Балаково, Энгельс, Тюмень, Черкесск, Бийск, Элиста, Дзержинск, Нижневартовск, Благовещенск, Электросталь, СергиевПосад, Вологда,
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