Dr. Kathleen Allen, Peter Economy

The Complete MBA for Dummies

How to get up to speed on the fundamentals of an MBA education, without spending $40,000 and two years in school! Increased salary, job opportunities, business savvy, these are just a few reasons why business school enrollment is soaring. Now with...

Банки и небанковские кредитные организации и их операции. Учебник

Рассмотрена деятельность различных видов банков и небанковских кредитно-финансовых институтов ведущих западных стран и России. Показан широкий круг операций, механизм их проведения в управлении активными и пассивными операциями, а также финансовыми...

Philip T. Hoffman, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal

Priceless Markets: The Political Economy of Credit in Paris, 1660-1870

This pathbreaking book shows how credit markets functioned in Paris, through the agency of notaries, during a critical period of French history. Its authors challenge the usual assumption that organized financial markets--and hence the...

Stanley Aronowitz

From the Ashes of the Old: American Labor and America's Future

The future of American labor is deeply connected to America's future. In the last quarter century, most American workers -- blue collar, white collar, and professional -- have taken an enormous hit, while only 20 percent of the population has...

Andrew Leyshon, Nigel Thrift, N. J. Thrift

Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation (International Library of Sociology)

Bringing together in one volume the most important writings of Andrew Leyshon and Nigel Thrift on money and finance, including the unpublished classic "Sexy-Greedy", this collection examines the economic, social and cultural manifestations that make...

Forrest S. Mosten

Mediation Career Guide: A Strategic Approach to Building a Successful Practice

In this definitive guide, Forrest Mosten--an internationally recognized mediation expert--helps would-be mediators answer the critical question "Do I have the values, skills, personality, and commitment necessary to mediate?" A...

Pat Smith, Lynn Roney

Wow the Dow: The Complete Guide to Teaching Your Kids How to Invest in the Stock Market

A FAMILY THAT LEARNS TOGETHER EARNS TOGETHER! Whether you're a novice stockholder or a seasoned investor, you can teach the next generation of stockholders how to invest successfully. Creative, practical, and full of savvy...

John Brooks

Once in Golconda: A True Drama of Wall Street 1920-1938 (Wiley Investment Classics)

Once in Golconda "In this book, John Brooks?who was one of the most elegant of all business writers?perfectly catches the flavor of one of history?s best-known financial dramas: the 1929 crash and its aftershocks. It?s packed...

Ronald Cordes, Brian O'Toole, Richard Steiny

The Art of Investing and Strategic Portfolio Management : A Proven 6-Step Process to Meet Your Financial Goals

The risk-avoidance strategies of today's institutional leaders--tailored to investors of every size and budget Investment pros agree: the key to successful investing is to avoid costly mistakes, and the key to avoiding mistakes is...

Stephen E. Frank

Networth: Successful Investing in the Companies That Will Prevail Through Internet Booms and Busts (They're Not Always the Ones You Expect)

Invest sucessfully in the companies that will prevail through thechnology booms and busts -- with indispensable advice from the world's most trusted business publication, The Wall Street Journal. There's no doubt the Internet has...

Matt A. Casado

Housekeeping Management

Written in a straightforward, accessible style, this comprehensive work covers all aspects of hotel housekeeping operationsincluding housekeeping department structure, planning, staffing, inventory and equipment management, housekeeping supplies,...

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