Филлис Дороти Джеймс

Смерть эксперта-свидетеля

Загадочное преступление совершено прямо в лаборатории судебно-медицинской экспертизы - убийство, жертвой которого стал один из лучших экспертов. Работа маньяка? Возможно. Но маньяки не убивают просто так. Первый вопрос, который задает себе...

Р. Граф, В. Шиитс

Энциклопедия электронных схем. Том 6. Часть II. Книга 6

Вниманию читателей предлагается русский перевод американского издания "Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits. Volume 6". В книге собраны принципиальные схемы и краткие описания различных электронных устройств, взятые составителями из фирменной...

John F. Boogaert

No Feet In Concrete: Leadership In An Entrepreneurial World

Challenging the theory of traditional management models, No Feet in Concrete: Leadership In An Entrepreneurial World empowers managers and their staff to develop leadership styles tailored to their specific organizations. The book denounces the...

Robert L. Hollings, Christal Pike-Nase, Christal A. Pike-Nase

Professional and Occupational Licensure in the United States

A sourcebook for policymakers, regulators, licensees, and consumers who wish to gain a better understanding of the regulation of the major professions and occupations within the 50 states. Topics covered include occupational licensing restrictions,...

Panos M. Pardalos, Yannis Siskos, Constantin Zopounidis

Advances in Multicriteria Analysis (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications ; V. 5)

As its title implies, Advances in Multicriteria Analysis presents the most recent developments in multicriteria analysis and in some of its principal areas of application, including marketing, research and development evaluation, financial planning,...

Sheryl Garrett, Marie Swift, The Garrett Planning Network

Just Give Me the Answer$ : Expert Advisors Address Your Most Pressing Financial Questions

An invaluable financial resource for individuals of all ages and all life stages. If you want to take a more active role in managing your personal financial affairs, you're not alone. Millions of people are seeking ways to gain...

Winston Steward, Bill Mann, Ron Gilster

Wireless Devices End to End

This is the definitive, real-world professionals guide to selecting, networking, configuring and securing the bevy of wireless devices for a truly wireless experience. Wireless Devices End to End is packed with comprehensive coverage of...

Don Gosselin

JavaScript - Introductory, Second Edition

This exciting second edition enables users to create dynamic Web pages using the popular Web scripting language, JavaScript. Building on the successful philosophy of the first edition, readers build applications from the bottom up, requiring no...

Reader's Digest

How to Do Just About Anything in Microsoft Windows Xp

This book takes readers through setting up their PC, mastering Windows(r) XP activities, getting around the system quickly and easily, creating shortcuts to programs and folders, customizing controls, and step-by-step instructions including...

Christine A. Finn

Artifacts: An Archaeologist's Year in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley, a small place with few identifiable geologic or geographic features, has achieved a mythical reputation in a very short time. The modern material culture of the Valley may be driven by technology, but it also encompasses...

J. M. Gupta, D. W. O'Gorman Hughes

A Practical Approach to Clinical Pediatrics

Almost all paediatrics textbooks describe disease processes. This book is unique in that it deals with problems (symptoms) as they are presented to the doctor. The problems are approached in a manner that is common practice in clinical paediatrics,...

<<<  Франц-Ансельм граф фон Ингельхайм, Инго Свобода. Пейте ...             Гетевские чтения 2004-2006. В очередном (7-м) выпуске "Гетевских чтений" ... >>>

Фауна мира. Птицы. Издание 1991 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. Д. Артемьев. Super Happy End The World of Theatre, 2004 Edition (World of Theatre). Book Description This Почта Яхо Химия в таблицах. 8-11 классы. Справочное пособие. Пособие содержит справочные Л. Ю. Грудцына. Справочник по наследственному праву Вести Э. Сальгари. Город прокаженного короля. На Диком Западе.
Щёлково, Волгодонск, СергиевПосад, Махачкала, Норильск, Вологда, Пермь,
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