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Lars Tvede The Psychology of Finance, Revised Edition
Recognising that psychology shapes market movements, this revised and expanded edition of 'The Psychology of Finance', provides a thorough and up-to-date treatment of this fascinating and important area of finance. Outlining a coherent set of...
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Irving Stone The Global Export of Capital from Great Britain, 1865-1914: A Statistical Survey
Great Britain was the preeminent capital exporter between 1865 and 1914 not only in the volume of investment but also in the industrial and geographical diversity of its capital outflows. This study supplies comprehensive annual data on the...
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Rene Carayol, David Firth, Rene Carayol, David Firth Corporate Voodoo: Business Principles for Mavericks and Magicians
Why do many companies find it so hard to escape the pull of the past? Why do many individuals keep resorting to learned behaviour, the habits and ideas that may have brought them success in the past, but which will leave them adrift in the...
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Bill O'hanlon Do One Thing Different : Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life
You can move quickly from "stuck" to "smooth sailing" in all aspects of your life using Bill O'Hanlon's ten easy Solution Keys, Humorous, direct, and effective, they help you change how you view and "do" your problems-from difficult relationships to...
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Ian Hickman Analog Electronics
Analog Electronics is a vital book for all electronics designers to have to hand - it will answer nagging questions about core analog theory and design principles as well as offering practical design ideas. The second edition of this popular...
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Martin S. Feldstein, Jeffrey B. Liebman The Distributional Aspects of Social Security and Social Security Reform (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
Social security is the largest and perhaps the most popular program run by the federal government. Given the projected increase in both individual life expectancy and sheer number of retirees, however, the current system faces an eventual...
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Sol Picciotto, Ruth Mayne Regulating International Business: Beyond Liberalization
This timely book offers proposals for a new positive regulatory framework for international business aimed at reducing poverty and promoting sustainable developments. It examines the flaws in neo-liberal strategies underpinning the recent phase...
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Patrick J. Aspell, Dee Dee Aspell Enneagram Personality Portraits, Enhancing Team Performance Card Deck - Perfecters (set of 9 cards), Participant Workbook (Enneagram Personality Portraits)
Improve team performance with the power of the Enneagram! This program will help you apply the power of the Enneagram in a team environment. Using results from the Inventory and Profile, you can draw a clear picture of various team...
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Mark Warda Complete Guide to Asset Protection Strategies
With juries giving out million-dollar awards for such things as spilt coffee and harassment, anyone with assets must realize that what has taken a lifetime to earn can be lost in an instant. Our legal system has become a lottery in which lawyers...
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Patricia Martin Made Possible By: Succeeding with Sponsorship: A Guide for Nonprofits
Each year corporations spend millions on cause-related marketing and event sponsorships, yet nonprofits often lack the information they need to approach a potential sponsor and negotiate a mutually beneficial relationship. "Made Possible...
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Gilbert Held Ethernet Networks : Design, Implementation, Operation,  Management
Ethernet Networks, Fourth Edition , provides everything you need to know to plan, implement, manage and upgrade Ethernet networks. Improve your skills in employing Ethernet hubs, switches, and routers. Learn how to set...
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Домой ЖЖ
Все о Линукс
Werner Rosenberger. Risk-adjusted Lending Conditions : An Option
Каталог софта
Тим Форрест. Антиквариат. Серебро и фарфор. Иллюстрированный путеводитель
Смертельный змей. Лоренцо Ламас ("Ранчо надежды") и Кимберли Кэйтс ("Сердце
Эрих Фон Деникен. Боги были астронавтами
Stephen Wilkes. Ellis Island: Ghosts of Freedom
Таганрог, Березники, Стерлитамак, ВеликийНовгород, Дербент, Саранск, Новокуйбышевск, Ростов-на-Дону, Владивосток, Хабаровск, Чита, Киров, Октябрьский, Тула,
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