Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W Westerfield, Bradford D Jordan, Bradford Jordan

Student Problem Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

(prepared by Thomas Eyssell, University of Missouri-St. Louis) This valuable resource provides students with additional problems for practice. Each chapter begins with Concepts for Review, followed by Chapter Highlights. These re-emphasize the key...

Nicholas G. Apostolou, Barbara Apostolou

Keys to Investing in Options and Futures (Barron's Business Keys)

Barron's Business Keys have gained a deserved reputation as easy- to-read books of sound advice for consumers and non-experts. These brief, fact- filled volumes cut through business and financial jargon and speak to consumers in plain English. They...

Patrick Tan

Success With Online Retailing: For Small Businesses

E-commerce is bouncing back! Get ready to catch the next wave! You can build a profitable small business online by adopting cost-effective e-business strategies. This is the book that shows you: - How to develop appropriate strategies to cope with...

Kymberlee Weil

Macromedia Flash MX Hands-On-Training

There's no better way for you to get your feet wet using Macromedia Flash MX than with a H.O.T. tutorial, Lynda Weinman's well-loved and unique style of...

Sham Bhangal, Tomasz Jankowski

Foundation Web Design: Essential HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Photoshop, Fireworks, and Flash

This book covers everything you need to know when you're starting out in web design: the best workflow processes you can follow, the best tools and technologies for the job you want to do, and the best way to combine process and tools to achieve...

I. Gent, Ian Gentles, Hans Van Maaren, Toby Walsh, Ian Gent


The book is devoted to various disciplines in Satisfiability research and aims to give the reader an impression of the state of the art of this research in the Year 2000. It consists of a compilation of articles on this subject which have appeared,...

Icon Health Publications

Adderall: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Harlan Platt

Chipping: The New Stock Market Method for Surviving Turbulence and Hitting a Hole-in-One

Investors have lost a great deal of money for two reason: market turbulence and their belief in investing dogma promulgated by Wall Street such as the buy-and-hold idea. Chipping was written by a noted professor of finance at Northeastern...

Работы по дереву. Материалы, технология, изделия

Наша книга познакомит Вас с различными технологиями художественной обработки дерева. Вы получите полезную информацию о видах резьбы по дереву, мозаике, инкрустации, узнаете, как своими руками смастерить красивое изделие из дерева, пользуясь...

Сборка и апгрейд компьютера с нуля! Диагностика и оптимизация (+ CD-ROM)

Впервые в России к книге прилагается уникальный видеокурс на компакт-диске. Живое видео показывает реальный процесс сборки компьютера - все этапы с подробностями: начиная с пустого нового корпуса до подсоединения мыши и клавиатуры. ...

Михаил Зубакин

Секреты итальянской кухни

В этой познавательной и очень практичной книге вы найдете множество интересных рецептов итальянской кухни и сможете порадовать семью, гостей и близких вкусными и питательными блюдами....

<<<  Дени Дидро. Монахиня. Племянник Рамо. Жак-фаталист ...             Гетевские чтения 2004-2006. В очередном (7-м) выпуске "Гетевских чтений" ... >>>

С. С. Марченков. Замкнутые классы булевых функций Сергей Донской. Сотрудник отдела невидимок Работа Погода Знакомства BRENDEL/CHICAGO SY. BEETHOVEN:KLAV.KO. Исполнитель: John F. Love. McDonald's: Behind The Arches Bob Marley And The Wailers. Talkin' Blues. Ремастированное Frances Ann Ladd. Care Bears (Care Bears) Работа Саманта Джеймс. Избранница С. Г. Мамонтов, В. Б. Захаров. Общая биология Налоговый кодекс Российской Федерации. Часть 1 (Новая редакция).
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