Нью-Йорк. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником

В путеводителе: Нью-Йорк - город и люди; Исторический обзор; Культура вчера и сегодня; Еда и напитки; Размещение; Транспорт; Покупки; Вечерний Нью-Йорк; Практические советы; ...

Kenneth Lynch

Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

Book DescriptionThis introduction to the relationships between rural and urban places shows that not all their aspects are as obvious as migration from country to city....

Phillip G. Clampitt

Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness

Book Description "In this new edition, Clampitt helps us keep pace with the evolving landscape of management communication practice and scholarship. Indeed, this text is a treasure trove for use in...

Susan Eckert

Intercultural Communication

Book Description As the workplace continues to become more ethnically diverse, the need for training materials that address the changes is needed on many levels of education. Intercultural Communication shifts the focus solely away from ethnicity...

Analysis, Control and Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems (Gerad 25th Anniversary)

Book Description We are witnessing the important developments of complex dynamic systems which include the areas of telecommunications, manufacturing, transportation or power networks, and the rapidly emerging research area seeking to understand...


Антология мировой фантастики. В настоящий сборник вошли следующие рассказы: "Телохранитель" Кристофера Гримма, "Неспешиты" Эрика Фрэнка Рассела, "Двойник" Верджа Форея, "Те, кого принимают в расчет" Фредерика Пола и другие. Все они...

Bruce W. Talamon, Roger Steffans

Bob Marley: Spirit Dancer

A photographic and textual meditation on the life of a legend, reissued in special CD-size format. Twenty years after Bob Marley's untimely death he remains a powerful worldwide presence. His music is at the top of the reggae charts, while his...

Iain Zaczek

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Tartan

A comprehensive, encyclopedia guide to more than 400 designs that are interwoven with Scottish history....

Nashid Ibn Ali

A Poet City

Book Description A Poet City reveals an untold story that is within us all. Poet is the inner child that struggles to find salvation within himself. The emotions, the ideas, and the beliefs that encompass one's soul interact within these...

Adam Braver

Mr. Lincoln's Wars : A Novel in Thirteen Stories

Amazon.comAdam Braver's debut novel, Mr. Lincoln's Wars , is a faithful execution of a bright idea. Thirteen stories with various narrators give us perspectives on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. We learn Mary Todd Lincoln's exhaustion and...

Pete Prown

Gear Secrets of the Guitar Legends: How to Sound Like Your Favorite Players

Book DescriptionTwo veteran music journalists reveal the keys to playing like a pro. With interviews, rig diagrams, amplifier settings, sound tips, and audio samples, this book reveals how guitarists can capture the sounds of their favorite players,...

<<<  Icon Health Publications. Kidney Stones - A Medical Dictionary ...             Людмила-Стефания. Новые денежные формулы-коды >>>

А. А. Орлов. Тайны и секреты компьютера Рефераты Ответы Транслит Русское радио Виктор Штерн. Основы С++. Методы программной инженерии Работа Почта.ру Janet Malcolm. The Journalist and the Murderer Mark Randolph Conte. In the Arms of Strangers Vaishali Mamgain. Productivity Growth in Developing Countries Нигма Российская газета Надеждина В.. Дневник: Как я худею ЖЖ Рамблер
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