А. И. Герцен

А. И. Герцен. Сочинения в четырех томах. Том 2

Во второй том "Собраний" А. И. Герцена (1812 - 1870) включены части 4 - 5 "Былого и дум", охватывающие период с 1840 по 1852 год: участие в общественно-политических кружках того времени; споры славянофилов и западников; отъезд Герцена за границу;...

Игошина Л., Осипов А.

Аграрные рынки региона

Теоретические и методические основы развития аграрных рынков. Особенности функционирования рынков сельскохозяйственной продукции, в частности зерна, молока и молочных продуктов, мяса и мясопродуктов, масличных культур и растительного масла,...

James R. Kahn

Economic Approach to Environment and Natural Resources (with Printed Access Card)

Book Description This innovative, cutting-edge text takes a hands-on approach to the origins of environmental problems, their economic consequences, and the policies that address them. The text presents environmental economic theory and methods in...

Complexity Theory And The Management Of Networks: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge University of Lecce, Italy, 2001

Book DescriptionOne of the challenges facing today?s management is to develop theories and practices that address the dynamics of business networks. Complexity theory has much to contribute to this purpose. Thus, this volume focuses on...

Don Pavey

On Colours 1528: A Translation from Latin

Book DescriptionA 16th century scholar Antonio Telesio probes ancient colour words and ideas, and foreshadows future trends. He lived at a time when he could discuss colour with Raphael, Leonardo and Titian. Although writing for his classics...

J.M. Dillard

The Expanse (Star Trek: Enterprise)

Book Description High above the planet Earth, an alien probe appears -- and in an unspeakably horrific instant, releases a deadly blast that strafes the planet's surface, leaving a miles-wide, smoldering crater of destruction in its wake....

Elaine Pascoe

Body Story - Crash: The Body in Crisis (Body Story)

Go deep inside the body to see what happens when organs are injured. See how ruptured arteries put deadly pressure on the brain, and understand the impact of interrupted brain function throughout the body. Then witness as the brain repairs itself...

New American Interiors: Innovations in Residential Design (New American)

Book DescriptionNew American Interiors continues the highly successful New American Series with an in-depth look at cutting edge interior design in homes and apartments in the United States. Over twenty projects are featured in 200 color...

Robin Pulver

Axle Annie and the Speed Grump

Book DescriptionAxle Annie, Burskyville?s best, most beloved school bus driver, has a big problem, and that problem has a name: Rush Hotfoot. Rush is an absolute menace?always in both a hurry and a bad mood, driving full blast down the...

Paul Stewart

Joust of Honor (Knight's Story, A)

Book Description I became aware of a fierce, stabbing pain in my shoulder where Hengist's lance had struck. I'd felt the blow of a blunted tournament lance many times before -- a dull, bruising ache. But this was different. I put my hand to my...

Wanda Zimmerman

Just Another Breast Cancer Survivor Story?

Book DescriptionThis is Wanda's story of how her positive attitude and humor attributed to her triumphant recovery from breast cancer. She shares her humor, spiritual influences, experiences and knowledge. It's a light hearted story with a variety...

<<<  Игорь Незовибатько. Земные законы неземного очарования. Построй свой мир общения             Людмила-Стефания. Новые денежные формулы-коды >>>

Mark Rothko. The Artist's Reality: Philosophies of О компьютерах Арина Ларина. Муж для девочки-ромашки Почта М. А. Еремин. Уравнения высших степеней Фото Новости Д. Артемьев. Super Happy End Faithless. To All New Arrivals. Совершенно новый альбом "Faithless",
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