А. М. Тартак

Золотая книга-5, или Здоровье без лекарств

Предлагаем новые секреты, как сохранить здоровье, от автора "Золотой книги". Рецепты народной медицины проверены веками, издавна спасали людей. Помогут они и вам!...

Peter T. Marsh

Bargaining on Europe: Britain and the First Common Market, 1860-1892

As the world watches the European Union navigate its singular course, little attention is paid to the first attempt at forming an economic union among European nations. In this fluent and coherent account, Marsh exposes and examines archives that...

Stephen B. Adams, Orville R. Butler

Manufacturing the Future: A History of Western Electric

Manufacturing the Future: A History of Western Electric is the first full-length history of the Western Electric Company, the manufacturing arm of the Bell System. As a manufacturer in the communications revolutions in the nineteenth and twentieth...

Carl Kaysen

The American Corporation Today

Not since Edward Mason's classic book The Corporation in Modern Society appeared in 1959 has anyone compiled an authoritative overview of the American business firm. Such a survey is now clearly overdue, for in the last thirty years both the...

Rigas Doganis

The Airline Business in the 21st Century

This book focuses on the major issues that will affect the airline industry as we enter a new millennium. the future development of "open skies", the cutting of labour costs, the virtual airline, global alliances, state aid and the emergence of low...

Torben Iversen, Jonas Pontusson, David Soskice

Unions, Employers and Central Banks: Macroeconomic Coordination and Institutional Change in Social Market Economies (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

This book focuses on some of the most important political-economic changes in advanced industrialized countries over the past two decades, namely, the sharp rise in unemployment in some countries and the growth of inequality in others. Using a...

Bruce Buskirk, Molly Lavik

Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies

Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies features success stories and lessons learned from eight famous founders. Each Module begins by chronicling the development of the driving philosophies of key successful individuals such...

Richard H. Beatty

The Resume Kit (Resume Kit)

Craft the perfect resume and land your dream job! Your resume is the most important tool you have for getting noticed by potential employers. It?s the very cornerstone of a successful job-hunting campaign, and a great resume is the...

Mahmood A. Khan

Nutrition for Foodservice Managers : Concepts, Applications, and Management

This book provides a thorough understanding of nutritional concepts and applications in management and foodservice operations....

Constantinos C. Markides

All the Right Moves: A Guide to Crafting Breakthrough Strategy

In All the Right Moves, author Constantinos Markides argues that business strategy is all about making difficult choices: Who will be your target customers? What will you offer them? How will you do it? The goal for every company should be to...

Us Department of Housing and Urban Devel, Donna E. Shalala

The Conversion of Rental Housing to Condominiums and Cooperatives: A National Study of Scope, Causes and Impacts

This landmark national study of the extent and impact of condominium and cooperative conversions promises to be of major policy and program significance. The recent growth of condominium and cooperative conversions is a response to basic...

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Ирвин Шоу. Любовь на темной улице Набор JA-DE "Французский маникюр", 13 мл х 2. Цвет: золотой Фото Н. И. Костомаров. Мазепа Азим Джамал. 7 шагов к долгому и настоящему счастью Поиск людей Счетчик Philip G King, Philip King. International Economics Народ.ру Katja Garloff. Words From Abroad: Trauma And Displacement Гого Поиск людей Артур Конан Дойл. Артур Конан Дойл. Собрание Наташа Колесникова. Страсти в сентябре Топ майл.ру Футбол Н. Н. Полищук. Стать мамой никогда не поздно! Беременность после Arrowville (New York Times Best Illustrated Books (Awards)). Michael McPherson. All Those Summers: The Memories Яна Дубинянская. Проект "Миссури" Barry Hughart. Eight Skilled Gentlemen
Одинцово, Архангельск, Миасс, Ижевск, Воронеж, Химки, Смоленск, Черкесск, Нижнекамск, Смоленск, Пенза, Волгодонск, Волгоград, Новокузнецк, Липецк, Балашиха, Армавир, Новотроицк, Новотроицк, ВеликийНовгород, Ульяновск, Питер, Элиста, Грозный, Омск,
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