Антон Ульрих

Инквизитор. Акт веры

Роман Антона Ульриха "Инквизитор" повествует о том, куда заводит человека гордыня. Не поладившая между собой юная пара превращается в заклятых врагов. Злоключения нищего испанского аристократа, корсара, а потом инквизитора приводят его, в конце...

George Macesich

The United States in the Changing Global Economy

Accelerating globalization of world markets and increasing interdependence of the economies of the world has made policy-making very complex, especially in the United States. One of the most debated subjects in recent years has been whether the U.S....

Peter B. Kenen, Fabrizio Saccomanni, Francesco Papadia

The International Monetary System

This book is a collection of essays on the international monetary system written by some of the most authoritative economists and policymakers. All the fundamental components of the international monetary system are critically examined and some...

Edward Atkinson

The Distribution of Products: The Mechanism and the Metaphysics of Exchange

Edward Williamson Atkinson (1827-1905) made interesting, and in many cases significant, contributions to the economic and political history of the United States. As treasurer and financial agent for several important cotton textile mills between...

Paul Linden

Comfort at Your Computer: Body Awarness Training for Pain-Free Computer Use

With a goal of preventing injury, Comfort at Your Computer teaches an awareness of potentially harmful positions and shows how to achieve proper sitting posture and correct breathing for pain-free computing. Readers will learn exercises to prevent...

Clare Harris

Minimize Stress, Maximize Success: Effective Strategies for Realizing Your Goals (Positive Business Series)

Each year US businesses lose an estimated 300 million working days to stress-related illnesses. Minimize Stress, Maximize Success is a practical and fully illustrated guide for people who don?t want to be part of that figure. Con-sultant Clare...

Candice Fredrick, Camille Atkinson

Women, Ethics and the Workplace

As women are entering the workforce in record numbers, there is an urgent need to address the specific ethical problems that working women face. Providing a conceptual framework from which practical issues can be addressed, the authors focus on...

Robert Heller

How to Delegate (Essential Managers Series)

Learn all you need to know about delegation, from deciding which tasks to delegate and selecting an appropriate candidate to ensuring the brief is clear and the task is completed. How to Delegate shows you how to free your time and motivate your...

Kenneth Young

28 Black Styles: For Student Practice

Designed to give students and professionals practice in the specialized area of black styling, this comprehensive resource covers the diverse area of cutting, setting, comb-out and blow-drying. Full, two-page layouts of each style allow stylists to...

William Roth

The Assault on Social Policy

American social policy today largely serves global corporate interests rather than the general public, according to William Roth. Based on incisive analyses of economic globalization, class, politics, and bureaucracy, The Assault on Social Policy...

Tony Evans

Manufactured Home Financing: How to Get the Best Deal on the Planet for Financing Your Manufactured Home

Manufactured homes are a great solution to the problem of affordable housing—if you can get financing for them... This book reveals how to use a little-known federal program to get the best deal on the planet in financing your manufactured home if...

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Judd Winick, Phil Hester. Green Arrow: Straight Shooter Мой мир R. Heinz. Учение о лекарственных средствах Наталья Александрова. Игра случая Статистика Виртуальные открытки О компьютерах Siemens Dect Gigaset A265 black. Основные Десерт. Каждый любитель сладкого, для которого хорошая трапеза немыслима О. А. Новиковская. Логопедическая грамматика для малышей. Пособие для занятий Конференция iXBT.com Ответы Alan Hanjalic. Content-Based Analysis of Digital
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