Sandor Boyson, Martin E. Dresner, Lisa Harrington, Thomas M. Corsi, Elliot Rabinovich

Logistics and the Extended Enterprise: Benchmarks and Best Practices for the Manufacturing Professional

Logistics and the Extended Enterprise is the result of a four-year, $1 million research project devoted to the study of best practices in supply chain management—a necessity for companies that want to be competitive in a global business...

Cheryl L. Storm, Thomas C. Todd

The Reasonably Complete Systemic Supervisor Resource Guide

A user-friendly collection of resources for supervisors working from a systemic perspective which can be used for teaching and training supervisors and in the day-to-day practice of supervision. It includes reproducible forms for evaluation,...

Orville C Walker, Jr., Harper W Boyd, John Mullins, Jean-Claude Larreche, Jr., Harper Boyd, John Mullins, Jean-Claude Larreche

Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach

Marketing Strategy, by Walker, Boyd, new co-author Mullins, and Larreche, is a flexible, short, paper-back text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book (Strategic Marketing Management Cases, by Cravens ) or with a custom published...

John Milton Fogg

The Greatest Networker in the World

"The MLM Classic."--Richard Poe, author of Wave 3 Network marketing is a burgeoning field, and it can be a frustrating and difficult experience. There are many who have achieved minimal success, and many more who have made no money...

Beth J. Asch, Richard Johnson, John T. Warner, United States Dept. of Defense, National Defense Research Institute

Reforming the Military Retirement System

Using a model of military compensation they developed, the authors analyze the effects of converting the current military retirement system to an alternative system patterned after the Federal Employees Retirement System. The authors consider the...

Stuart Crainer, Bruce Tulgan, Watts Wacker

A Freethinker's A-Z of the New World Business

A Freethinker?s A-Z of the New World of Business Including Absolut Adobe Barbie balanced scorecard Bloomberg Byrne Cap Gemini co-opetition corporate universities data warehousing Demos Drudge dumbing down Dyson Eisner Fast Company...

Mary Stewart

Launching the Imagination, Comprehensive (2-D, 3-D, and 4-D) with CD-ROM

This new text for Art Fundamentals courses introduces students to the elements of design in a unique and contemporary context. Launching the Imagination is the only text that explains the practical substance of 2-, 3-, and 4D (or time-based)...

James Goodwill

Developing Java Servlets: Web applications with servlets and JSP

Developing Java Servlets, Second Edition , is a comprehensive, code-intensive book for professional Java developers. It explains the Java Servlet API architecture and client/server development concepts and contains detailed, professional...

Anthony Scime

Web Mining: Applications and Techniques

Web Mining is moving the World Wide Web toward a more useful environment in which users can quickly and easily find the information they need. Web Mining uses document content, hyperlink structure, and usage statistics to assist users in meeting...

Единицы измерений и соотношения между ними

Данная книга представляет собой путеводитель-справочник по миру единиц измерений. Она состоит из двенадцати тематических глав, каждая из которых содержит информацию об основных единицах измерений и особенностях, присущих данной теме. В текст каждой...

Р. В. Захаржевская

История костюма. От античности до современности

Автор книги - крупнейший специалист по истории костюма - знакомит читателя с различными стилями и направлениями в развитии этой области искусства. Вы узнаете, как одевались во времена античности и Средневековья, что было модным при дворе Людовика...

<<<  Kokubun Ryosei, Wang Jisi. Rise of China and a Changing East Asian ...             Под редакцией Т. В. Волосовец. Преодоление общего недоразвития ... >>>

Alvin J. Bruney. Programming Excel Services (PRO-Developer) Яхо Сергей Болмат. 14 рассказов Frederick J. Marker, Lise-Lone Marker. Ibsen's О. Л. Соболева. Русский язык. 2 класс. Методические рекомендации Статистика Гороскопы Г. А. Соколов, И. М. Гладких. Математическая Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Jack J. Phillips. Мегафон Вики
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