Е. С. Негодаева

Готовим на пару

Книга представляет собой сборник оригинальных рецептов блюд, объединенных одним общим принципом — все они приготавливаются на пару. Паровые блюда являются основой диетического питания и весьма полезны. В книге содержится информация по традиционному...

Richard C. Dorf

Technology Ventures : From Idea to Enterprise w/ Engineering Subscription Card

Book Description Published June 2004 Technology Ventures is the first textbook to thoroughly examine a global phenomenon known as “technology entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship represents a vital source of change in all...

Learning Express

Corrections Officer Exam (Corrections Officer Exam)

Book Description This book serves readers who want to become Corrections Officers. This completely revised and updated edition includes information about the job specifications and the application process. Four complete practice exams and seven...

Franco Modigliani

Rethinking Pension Reform

Book DescriptionPresents perspectives on managing pension funds and clarifies the international debate on social security....

Gordon Tullock

Public Goods, Redistribution And Rent Seeking (The Locke Institute Series)

Book DescriptionGordon Tullock, eminent political economist and one of the founders of public choice, offers this new and fascinating look at how governments and externalities are linked. Economists frequently justify government as dealing with...

Keith Michael Hearit

Crisis Management by Apology: Corporate Responses to Allegations of Wrongdoing (Lea's Communication Series) (Lea's Communication Series)

Book DescriptionCrisis Management by Apology: Corporate Response to Allegations of Wrongdoing examines the role of apologia and apology in response to public attack. Author Keith Michael Hearit provides an introduction to these common components of...

Сергей Шхиян


Он хотел всего лишь съездить на пикник. Но врата времени отворились и забросили его в далекое прошлое. И теперь он не простой российский парень. Он - бригадир державы. В его руках - штурвал истории. В его памяти - будущее России......

Gil Garcetti

Frozen Music

Book DescriptionIn this limited collector edition folio, Gil Garcetti's interpretive photographs of the steel skin of the Walt Disney Concert Hall evoke the mystery, fluidity, texture, and form of Frank O. Gehry's lyrical architecture. Garcetti...


Out of It : An Autobiography on the Experience of Schizophrenia

Book Description Out of It: An Autobiography on the Experience of Schizophrenia guides us through one man?s mental journey through seven months of schizophrenia. While being interviewed by the emergency room psychiatrist, the...

Elizabeth S. Brinton

My American Eden: Mary Dyer, Martyr for Freedom

Book DescriptionIrene Cary, oldest daughter in a family of twenty-one children, is sent out into the world from Ireland to make her way as an indentured servant. Determined to survive and prosper, she has the good fortune to be picked out of a crowd...

Medicinenet. Com

Webster's New World Medical Dictionary (2nd Edition)

Amazon.comThe Internet and the Information Age promise all the data you can take, but fall short when it comes to helping you understand it all. If you've decided to learn more about your health, the language of medicine can be a daunting obstacle. ...

<<<  О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова. 4000 примеров по алгебре. 7 класс. ...             Под редакцией Т. В. Волосовец. Преодоление общего недоразвития ... >>>

ЖЖ Родионов В.А.. Прививка от стресса А. М. Салмин. Шанский слон Михаэль Гаухман. Алгебра сигнатур Мой мир Валерий Привалихин. Клад адмирала Vaya Con Dios. Time Flies. Издание содержит буклет с текстами DAVIS/CAB. PUCC: TOSC. Исполнитель: DAVIS/CAB Бесплатный хостинг Поиск мета
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