Carter J. Eckert

Offspring of Empire: The Koch'Ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism, 1876-1945 (Korean Studies of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies)

Korea's 35 years (1910-45) of domination by Japan are usually treated by historians as a period of political, economic, and cultural subjugation. Most Koreans look back on the era bitterly. Nevertheless, a more balanced view takes into consideration...

Kempe R. Hope, Bornwell C. Chikulo, Kempe Ronald Hope

Corruption and Development in Africa: Lessons from Country Case-Studies

Bringing together a distinguished cast of contributors, this book provides an authoritative and definitive analysis of the theory, practice, and development impact of corruption in Africa. The book offers a wide range of country case studies...

Rochelle Balch

C-E-O & M-O-M, Same Time, Same Place

Downsized out of a job, a single mother starts professional homebased business. In less than 5 years, RB Balch, a computer consulting firm, has grown to $2.5 million in annual sales and has won city, state and national recognition and awards for...

Sentor Media Inc.

The Canada Student Employment Guide, 2004 Edition

This popular resource is completely updated and revised! Match your qualifications to hundreds of top employers! Companies in every industry, across every province and region offer insight into the educational backgrounds and skills they seek when...

Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret

The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission of Inquiry Concerning Education in the Immigrant Camps During the Early Years of the State (Suny Series in Israeli Studies)

Covers early Israeli education policy regarding immigrant populations....

Thomas A. McCafferty

All About Options

To minimize risk and greatly increase return, lightning-fast options trading instincts are critical. All About Options, Second Edition is the ideal first step to developing these instincts. With its in-depth coverage of the basics of...

George Achenbach

Goldmining in Foreclosure Properties

Start Building Wealth Today by Investing in Distressed Properties! Combining proven strategies with nearly thirty years’ experience in real estate, author George Achenbach takes you step by step through the entire foreclosure...

Mark Slouka

War of the Worlds: Cyberspace and the High-Tech Assault on Reality

Mark Slouka is Neil Postman's kindred spirit. These essays offer a critique of how cyberspace effects and changes the rest of reality. With an acerbic tongue, Slouka examines what he considers to be the dark side of the net. Slouka can get quite...

Carol M. Cram, Carol M. Cram, Meta Chaya Hirschl

Creating Web Sites - Illustrated Projects

Part of the Illustrated Projects Series, this text offers a quick, visual way to apply their creating Web site skills. Covers beginning through intermediate skills....

Г. Лонгфелло

Г. Лонгфелло. Избранное

Творческое наследие выдающегося американского поэта Генри Уодсворта Лонгфелло (1807 - 1882) весьма разнообразно. Основу данной книги составляют лирические стихотворения, баллады, поэмы, рассказы и сонеты....

Георгий Флоровский

Из прошлого русской мысли

Издание включает в себя статьи известного русского богослова, философа и историка о. Георгия Флоровского, написанные им в 1920-1930-х годах в эмиграции. Автор пытается распутать наиболее замысловатые узлы русской философской и богословской мысли...

<<<  С. Б. Губницкий, М. Г. Хануков, С. А. Шедей. Полный курс шахмат. 64 урока для ...             Сергей Алексеев. Рой. В 2 книгах. Книга 2 >>>

Драгоценные зерна. Ростислав Плятт ("Визит к Минотавру"), Павел Кадочников Р. В. Ардовская. Изучайте иностранный язык дистанционно Зеркало подарочное "Rivoli". B-8019. Зеркало упаковано Мегафон Тутанхамон: проклятие гробницы. Каспер Ван Дьен Linder Sterling, Philip Hoare, Morrissey. Билайн Р. Райт-Ковалева. Роберт Бернс Джеральд Даррелл. Под пологом пьяного леса Александр Медведев, Ирина Медведева. Фэйсбилдинт Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter. What Got You Here Won't Get You There: Philippe Thalmann, Milad Zarin-Nejadan. Construction and Real И. Трактовенко. AutoCAD 2002 Электрочайник Tefal Justine имеет стильный корпус Народ.ру Замок. Пол Радд ("Великий Гэтсби", "Ночная
Ульяновск, Хасавюрт, Екатеринбург, Димитровград, Пермь, Нефтеюганск, Балашиха, Миасс, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Самара,
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