Bernard Cova, Pervez Ghauri, Robert Salle

Project Marketing : Beyond Competitive Bidding

Project Marketing: Beyond Competitive Bidding is the first English language book that focuses specifically on this important, emerging subject. Project marketing relates to the various marketing activities that take place prior to winning a...

Jose Alvarez, Lazaro Pena Castellanos, Jose Alvarez, Lazaro Pena Castellanos

Cuba's Sugar Industry (Contemporary Cuba)

Following forty years of tension between Cuba and the United States, this study of Cuba's agroindustry presents the results of a remarkable collaboration between researchers living in the two countries. The authors consider the prospects for the...

Stephen Frank Overturf

The Economic Principles of European Integration

"[The author has] skillfully melded history, politics, and solid economics into a readable and comprehensive work." J. Robert Schaetzel, former U.S. Ambassador to the Common Market...

Merton R. Hubbard

Choosing a Quality Control System

There are over 24 quality control systems recommended for the control and improvement of quality and process; there are over 30 techniques and buzzwords suggested for implementing these systems and to assist in learning about these systems and...

Mac Rinehart

Enterprise JavaBeans for Dummies

The development world is all abuzz with talk of Enterprise JavaBeans—and with good reason. For the uninitiated, an Enterprise JavaBean is a software component, or mini-program, that confers some unique functionality to the application, or ...

Barry N. Hague, Brian Loader, Barry Hague

Digital Democracy: Discourse and Decision Making in the Information Age

Is direct democracy in the age of remote communication possible? Examining the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their consequences for political institutions, Digital Democracy offers a critical assessment of...

Marvin V. Zelkowitz

Advances in Computers, Volume 53: Emphasizing Distributed Systems

As the computer industry moves into the 21st century, the long-running Advances in Computers is ready to tackle the challenges of the new century with insightful articles on new technology, just as it has since 1960 in chronicling the...

Pete Loshin

Big Book of Best Current Practices RFCs

Do you ever wonder how things get done while the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is developing Internet standards? Ever need to know what the "right thing to do" is with regard to your Domain Name Service (DNS)? The right way to set up an...

Edward Barrett

The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Information (Information Systems)

This collection of essays continues Barrett's investigations into implementing networked online systems described in his first book Text, ConText, and HyperText, with a more focused emphasis on specific hypermedia systems. In four parts the...

Paul Sanna

Windows 2000 Server Security for Dummies

Even if you have only the most rudimentary understanding of networks and network capabilities, you're probably well aware of the need for effective security to protect your server from hacks, thieves, and virus writers. Microsoft also understands...

Ф. Н. Глинка

Письма к другу

Федор Николаевич Глинка (1786 - 1880) служил русской литературе около 70 лет. Он был свидетелем эпох классицизма и романтизма, появления в общественной жизни и искусстве "нигилизма", - словом, оказался спутником и участником отечественной...

<<<  В. А. Бахревский, П. Н. Полевой. Василий Шуйский             Сергей Алексеев. Рой. В 2 книгах. Книга 2 >>>

Eugene Oneill. Anna Christie Джеймс Алан Гарднер. Отряд обреченных Catherine Mullahy. The Case Manager's Handbook, Third Фото Наталия Левитина. Опасные удовольствия Наталья Иртенина. Зов лабиринта История философии. Учебник подготовлен в соответствии Ален Роб-Грийе. Повторение Поиск майл.ру А. В. Суворов. Наука побеждать. Полковой устав (аудиокнига МР3)
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