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Dale Furtwengler Making The Exceptional Normal
Using the techniques in this book, one client reduced its billing cycle from 3 weeks to 2 days without adding resources, working overtime or modifying its software. Within 60 days the client generated enough cash to pay off its line of credit and...
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HR Strategy: Business Focused Individually Centred
HR Strategy: Business Focused Individually Centred addresses the two key themes of translating business strategy into a workable, measurable HR strategy while simultaneously tapping into the needs and motivational patterns of individual...
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Clay Carr The New Manager's Survival Manual
Are you a new manager who needs concise, reliable tips on how to do your job and do it well? The New Manager's Survival Manual has those tips. Do you need to know how to make effective employee selections now? See page 47. Do you need to...
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Gerald Grant, Christine E. Murray Teaching in America: The Slow Revolution
If the essential acts of teaching are the same for schoolteachers and professors, why are they seen as members of quite separate professions? Would the nation's schools be better served if teachers shared more of the authority that professors have...
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V. Sundararajan, Peter Dattels, H. J. Blommestein Coordinating Public Debt and Monetary Management: Institutional and Operational Arrangements
This volume outlines strategies for managing public debt, developing government securities markets, and coordinating those activities with monetary management through legal, administrative, and operational arrangements. Both transition and market...
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Werner Rosenberger Risk-adjusted Lending Conditions : An Option Pricing Approach (The Wiley Finance Series)
In order to operate their lending business profitably, banks must know all the costs involved in granting loans. In particular, all the expenses they incur in covering losses must be included. Provided loan risks can be calculated, it is possible in...
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Lutgart Van Den Berghe, K. Verweire Creating the Future with All Finance & Financial Conglomerates
Creating the Future with All Finance and Financial Conglomerates comprises an academic search for an understanding of all finance and financial conglomerates. It presents a strategic and economic analysis of diversification strategies and the...
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Renee E. Kennedy, Kent Terry Create Web Content That Sells! Wow Your Market With Writing Strategies, Search Engine Hints, and Graphic Tips That Work
Are you ready to build an effective Web site that sells? One that brings in serious prospects? Then Create Web Content That Sells! is for you. It's a tutorial about writing effectively for Web visitors, creating a useable site structure, getting a...
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Carmel Berman Reingold Home Facts: The Ultimate Home Record Keeper
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Kermit Burton Alpha Limited Liability Company Kit Special Book Edition
The complete do-it-yourself Limited Liability Company Kit with Articles of Organization, Operating agreements, Minutes of all the Meetings, Consent Forms and Membership Certificates for a regular Limited Liabilty Company under State Laws. Includes...
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Herman Holtz The Consultant's Guide to Proposal Writing: How to Satisfy Your Clients and Double Your Income
When clients make the decision to hire you, they are putting more than money on the line. They are also putting their company's future and its reputation in your hands. That's why your success depends on your ability to gain prospective clients'...
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Домой Почта Яхо
В. А. Бритов. Эволюция интеллекта
Jan Yager. Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing
И. В. Ивлиева, Л. В. Кононенко, К. Н. Подрезова.
Е. Г. Малинина. Учусь шить
Н. Головин. К чему идет Великобритания?
Олег Ерохин. Занимательно о Древней Греции
Сергей Ключников. Путь к себе. Как пробудить
Любовь Пузикова. Музыка дождя. Эстрадно-джазовые композиции
Империя (2 DVD). Джонатан Кейк ("Ноев ковчег"), Джейм Фрэйн
The Digital Document : A Reference for Architects, Engineers and
Лев Толстой. Лев Толстой. Статьи и письма: фонографические и граммофонные
Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Якутск, Кострома, Южно-Сахалинск, Москв, Орёл, Великие Луки, Королёв, Майкоп, Коломна, Оренбург, Ангарск, Ставрополь, Новочеркасск, Набережные Челны, Тольятти, Назрань, Люберцы, Нальчик, Курск, Новошахтинск, Обнинск, Шахты, Новокуйбышевск, Уфа,
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