George Soros

Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise and Democratic Reform Among the Soviets and in Eastern Europe

Now back in print: George Soros on funding and supporting the kind of grassroots democratic movements that helped bring down oppressive governments throughout the Communist bloc. George Soros has done more for open societies than any other...

Jane Stephens, Stephen Zades

Mad Dogs, Dreamers and Sages: Growth in the Age of Ideas

In Mad Dogs, Dreamers and Sages, Zades and Stephens, speak to the urgent need for genuine, sustainable growth in today's businesses and organizations. The book shares insights gained from their Odyssey Project on imaginative intelligence, a...

Peter F. Drucker

Management Challenges for the 21st Century

Peter F. Drucker discusses how the new paradigms of management have changed and will continue to change our basic assumptions about the practices and principles of management. Forward-looking and forward-thinking, Management...

EU and US Banking in the 1990s

EU and US Banking in the 1990s is based on a period of important changes in the world financial scene which profoundly affects banking. Both the European and US banking sectors are undergoing deep transformations brought about by different...

Derek Bok

The Cost of Talent: How Executives and Professionals Are Paid and How It Affects America

The continuing uproar over top executive pay packages in American companies calls attention to an even larger and more important issue: in general, do we compensate highly educated people in the United States in ways that serve the best...

Richard Davis

Confirmatory Analysis: Finding Winning Stocks

Confirmatory Analysis A® : Finding Winning Stocks is the collaborative effort of three individuals who met through an internet investing group. The internet allowed members of this group from around the world to meet and share...

Dean L. Gano, Vicki E. Lee, Wendy C. Mitchell

Apollo Root Cause Analysis - A New Way Of Thinking

Apollo Root Cause Analysis is about effective problem solving. It is truly a new way of thinking that will ensure you find an effective solution to almost any kind of problem. You will discover new communication tools that are revolutionizing the...

David Hussey, Per Jenster

Competitor Intelligence : Turning Analysis into Success (Wiley Series in Practical Strategy)

The seminal work of Michael Porter in the 1980s provided a conceptual basis to competitor analysis which has stood the test of time. The emphasis of his work, and of many books by other authors which followed it, has been on the why and what of...

Klaus Schmidt, Chris Ludlow

Inclusive Branding: The Why and How of a Holistic Approach to Brands

Klaus Schmidt has been a pioneer in the concept and process of inclusive, or holistic, branding as an integral element in corporate strategy. This book explains the genesis and characteristics of the holistic approach, including its dimensions,...

D. V. L. Smith, J. H. Fletcher

Inside Information : Making Sense of Marketing Data

The twenty-first century has brought with it an inundation of information with which business has to grapple. For those who have to make sense of information on a day-to-day basis, a new set of information skills and competencies, a new set of...

Jim Drummond, Fred Hanna

Selling Power: Marketing Energy Under Deregulation

Selling Power - Marketing Energy Under Deregulation is a comprehensive look at the issues confronting energy companies preparing marketing strategies. Specific marketing solutions are provided with case studies. A Deregulation Proverb "When...

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Роберт Скобл, Шел Израэл. Разговор дороже денег. Как блоггинг меняет Одноклассники Рамблер Н. Н. Брешко-Брешковский. Ночи Варшавы. Принц Андрей Валентинов. Флегетон Е. С. Боровик, В. В. Еременко, А. С. Мильнер. Лекции Терри Пратчетт. Стража! Стража! Нигма Pegge Parker Hlavacek. Alias Pegge Parker Борис Аранович. Комплексное очищение организма на клеточном уровне Ливе А. А. Мамедов. Справедливость назначения наказания Чингиз Абдуллаев. Стандарт возмездия К. К. Лебедев. Защита прав обладателей Вести Филип Уайтли. Мотивация С. Бронин. История моей матери QIP.ру Хрестоматия по культурологии. В двух томах. Счетчик
Петрозаводск, Вологда, Москва, Волгоград, Прокопьевск, СергиевПосад, Орск, Томск, Батайск, Питер, Коломна, Ковров, Невинномысск, Одинцово, Ухта, Смоленск, Мурманск, Иркутск, Рязань, Ухта, Новотроицк, Белгород, Орехово-Зуево, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Абакан, Саранск, Мурманск, Саратов, Ульяновск, Нижнекамск, Новокуйбышевск,
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