Bo Manning, Chris Thorne

Demand Driven : 6 Steps to Building an Ecosystem of Demand for Your Business

A proven, six-step process for creating and capturing demand in today's networked economy Demand Driven proves that it's not enough for organizations to market their products directly to the customer. Instead, it explains...

Peter Bolstorff, Robert Rosenbaum

Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model

The Supply Chain Council (SCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing best practices in supply chain management. But until now, there have been no books available based on these preferred techniques. Supply Chain Excellence gives...

Julie O'Mara

Diversity Activities and Training Designs

Maximize your company's success and performance with this versatile collection of diversity activities, lecturettes, resources, and training designs. Diversity Activities and Training Designs contains absolutely everything you need to...

Karen Orren

Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States

Contrary to the idea that the United States was liberal from its inception, Orren argues that both capitalism and constitutionalism proceeded upon a remnant of ancient feudalism. This was the common law of master and servant, embedded in the...

William J. Douglas

Environmental GIS Applications to Industrial Facilities

Geographic information system (GIS) computer technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with information. Data, text, drawings, maps, and images contain information that can be accessed and used intuitively through drawings containing...

Anne C. Perry

The Evolution of U.S. Trade Intermediaries

Perry traces and analyzes the evolution of U.S. international trade intermediaries (ITIs) who perform a variety of functions essential to international trade on behalf of manufacturers unable or unwilling to assume them. This volume provides...

Hans Georg Gemunden, Thomas Ritter, Achim Walter

Relationships and Networks in International Markets

Hardbound. The book presents the most recent developments in international industrial and service marketing research, from a relationship and network perspective. While the latter perspective has a long tradition in Europe, "relationship marketing"...

Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky

Choices, Values and Frames

Choices, Values, and Frames presents an empirical and theoretical challenge to classical utility theory, offering prospect theory as an alternative framework. Extensions and applications to diverse economic phenomena and to studies of consumer...

Peter Merrill

Do It Right the Second Time: Benchmarking Best Practices in the Quality Change Process

Is your organization looking back on its quality process and saying "it failed"? Are you concerned that TQM is just another fad, only to be replaced by the next improvement movement? Don't jump ship just yet. Everyone experiences failures in...

Bobette Kyle

How Much for Just the Spider? Strategic Web Site Marketing for Small-Budget Businesses: Strategic Web Site Marketing for Small-Budget Businesses

"How Much for Just the Spider?" is a cut-to-the-chase guide designed to help you effectively and economically incorporate the Web into your marketing strategies. You will learn how to develop a strategic Web site marketing plan designed to work with...

Jim Krause

Layout Index: Brochure, Web Design, Poster, Flyer, Advertising, Page Layout, Newsletter, Stationery Index

Idea Index kick-started a revolution in graphic design books, unique in size, feel--and most important--wealth of ideas. Layout Index is the next step, a compendium of layout idea-generators that will help designers explore multiple possibilities...

<<<  П. П. Бажов. П. П. Бажов. Сочинения в трех томах. Том 3             О. П. Полтаруха. Атлас-определитель усоногих ... >>>

Конференция Николай Леонов. Дьявол в раю Чат Топ Catherine Jazdzewski. Helena Rubinstein Корбина Спутник паломника. Книга рассказывает о том, где находятся сейчас Blackmore's Night. Winter Carols. Очередной рождественский Tacitus. Tacitus: The Annals, Books IV-VI, XI-XII Бесплатные объявления Ответы Рамблер В. В. Суслов. Русское зодчество по преданиям КМ Alex Wilmerding. Term Sheets & Valuations - A Line by Line Look Nightingales & Pleasure Gardens: Turkish Love Poems. Book VARIOUS. MIRACLES OF SANTIAGO. 1. Исполнитель: Theories of Corporate Governance: The Philosophical Foundations of Змеиная кожа. Мелани Лински ("История вечной любви"), Чарли И. М. Снегирев. Памятники московской древности Jeanne H. Bradner. Leading Volunteers for Results: Building Н. Крысько, Г. Нехорошева. Стильный коллаж. Техника. Приемы. Изделия.
Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Вологда, Новочеркасск, Рыбинск, Махачкала, Северодвинск, Копейск, Королёв, Обнинск, Чита, Сыктывкар, Ногинск, Челябинск, Южно-Сахалинск, Благовещенск, Канск, Саранск,
Общество, история| Химия| Искусство| Все сказки мира| Скульптура| Инвестиции| Эстрада| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Дошкольное воспитание| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Языкознание. Филологические науки| История бизнеса. Мемуары и биографии бизнесменов| BBC. Видеопрограммы| Ценные бумаги| Мама и малыш| Словари-справочники| Индийские боевики| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Молодым родителям. Ваш малыш| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Политика| Испанский, португальский| Индийские приключения| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Обучающие программы для детей| Инвестиции| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Отечественная история| Оперы| Программы о туризме, путешествиях| Полицейские фильмы| География| Конструкторы| Видеопрограммы о космосе и НЛО| Эксцентрические комедии| Драмы отношений| Комедийные боевики| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Музыкальные программы| Комедийные боевики| Теоретическая физика| История| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции|
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