М. Лермонтов

М. Лермонтов. Собрание сочинений в четырех томах. Том 1

В первый том Собрания вошли стихотворения с 1837 по 1841 года, а также стихотворения неизвестных годов и стихотворения, приписываемые Лермонтову....

Jeffrey Owen Katz

Advanced Option Pricing Models

Book Description Advanced Option Pricing Models details specific conditions under which current option pricing models fail to provide accurate price estimates and then shows option traders how to construct improved models for better pricing...

Jack W. Plunkett

Plunkett's Infotech Industry 2004 Almanac: The Only Comprehensive guide to InfoTech Companies and Trends (Plunkett's Infotech Industry Almanac)

Book DescriptionPlunkett?s InfoTech Industry Almanac presents a complete analysis of the technology business, including the convergence of hardware, software, entertainment and telecommunications. This market research tool includes our...

Ron Basu

Total Operations Solutions

Book Description Total Operations Solutions builds on concepts that were introduced in "Total Manufacturing Solutions", Basu and Wright (1997). It demonstrates how this holistic approach of operational excellence driven by a self-assessment...

Richard E. Schell

Quick Cash: A Guide to Raising Money During Life's Planned and Unplanned Changes (Sphinx Legal)

Book DescriptionQuick Cash explores seven fundamental strategies that can be used to raise funds and manage financial hurdles during life's bumps in the road. This motivational, how-to guide goes beyond the standard personal finance book. It offers...

Robert H. Arnold

Interpretation of Airphotos and Remotely Sensed Imagery

Book DescriptionCreated by an experienced educator in the field of cartography, this lab manual was developed to train undergraduate and graduate students and professionals to extract information from images efficiently so that their interpretations...

Delia Miller

The Victorian Watercolours and Drawings : in the Collection of her Majesty the Queen

Book Description A two-volumed catalogue raisonne of Queen Victoria's vast collection of watercolours and drawings, presenting through the work of over 1,000 artists a kaleidoscope of Victorian England. These works, mainly...

Guy Debord

Complete Cinematic Works : Scripts, Stills, Documents

Book Description Guy Debord (1931a??1994) was the most influential member of the Situationist International, the avant-garde group that triggered the May 1968 revolt in France. His book The Society of the Spectacle is...

Michel Makarius


Book DescriptionFrom the Renaissance to the present day, each generation of artists, architects, and writers has used the powerful images of ruins to project its own vision of time and human destiny. The metamorphosis of the ruin motif in art...

Toni Morrison

Poppy or the Snake? (Who's Got Game?)

Book Description In this clever riff on Aesop, Poppy feels guilty when he accidentally drives over Snake, and he decides to risk being bitten in order to free the sassy reptile. But smake wants more. This is a sly tale about who gets the last...

Elinor Dewire


Book DescriptionIn a bygone American era, shipping was crucial in both trade and travel. It was the lighthouse that allowed ships to arrive safely in port, despite rough waters, rocky coasts, and punishing weather. Beacons of safety and hope, these...

<<<  Анатолий Рубинов. Веселые похоронные истории             О. П. Полтаруха. Атлас-определитель усоногих ... >>>

Поиск людей Шейх Юсуф Кардави. Дозволенное и запретное Борис Акунин. Внеклассное чтение. Том 1 Игорь Тимофеев. Ибн Баттута Adrian Perrig, J. D. Tygar. Secure Broadcast Communication: In Из рук в руки Михаил Лермонтов. Герой нашего времени Бесплатный хостинг Д. А. Леонтьев. Методика предельных смыслов (МПС) Почта Яхо
Старый Оскол, Артём, Калининград, Казань, Кемерово, Вологда, Рыбинск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Благовещенск, Таганрог, Братск, Каменск-Уральский, Чебоксары, Тюмень, Смоленск, Нижневартовск, Москв, Белгород, Киров, Новосибирск, Череповец, Батайск, Краснодар, Майкоп,
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