Михаил Кривич, Ольгерт Ольгин

Женский портрет в три четверти

Повести и рассказы, собранные в этой книге, в большей своей части относятся к жанру сатирической фантастики. Перед читателем предстанут знакомые ему общественные пороки и недостатки, показываемые авторами в необычном, а порой и невероятном...

Heidi Schultz

Business Scenarios : A Context-Based Approach to Business Communication

Book DescriptionTo move students beyond theory to the application of business communication principles, this book drops students into workplace scenarios and requires them to respond by writing business messages or by presenting business ideas. To...

Jan Sugar-Webb

Opportunities in Physician Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in)

Book Description Opportunities In . . . series gives you valuable career insight into your job field of choice! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities In . . . explores a vast range of professions. In ...

Andre Fourcans

Currency Crises: A Theoretical and Empirical Perspective (New Horizons in Money and Finance.)

Book DescriptionMany theoretical and empirical analyses have been put forward to explain currency crises, but this book is unique in providing an extensive perspective and a comprehensive view of the field. Andre Fourcans and...

Min Chen

Asian Management Systems

This volume looks at four main management systems in the East Asian region: Japanese, mainland Chinese, overseas Chinese and Korean. Through a comparative analysis of organizational structures, competitive strategies and cultural influences...

Rachel Rosenzweig

Worshipping Aphrodite : Art and Cult in Classical Athens

Book Description Delves into the various characteristics of Aphrodite as the people of Athens conceived of her ...

Jody Briggs

Encyclopedia of Stage Lighting

Book DescriptionIf one does not know who a snuff-boy was or how his job related to stage lighting, or needs to understand the difference between motivated light and motivating light, the answers can be found in the more than...

Arend Bandsma

Flatweaves of Turkey

Book Description Flatweaves of Turkey reflects the authors’ enthusiasm for kilims and related flat-woven textiles. They consider that those made by mainly nomadic and village women in Turkey have the most varied and innovative...

Gordon Campbell

Renaissance Art And Architecture

Book DescriptionThe Renaissance, French for 'rebirth', was undoubtedly the most intensely creative period in history. This explosion of activity is reflected perhaps more than elsewhere in the art and architecture of the period. The legacy the...

Erwin Olaf


Book DescriptionErwin Olaf, one of the best know and most over-the-top Dutch photographers of today--think David LaChapelle crossed with Playboy )--lives a passionate, lusty affair with life, enjoying it to the fullest extent, a true...

Andre Norton

Lost Lands of Witch World (Witch World Chronicles)

Book Description In the 1960s Andre Norton's career took a fateful and important turn. Having written adventure science fiction for almost thirty years, she turned to something new, science-fantasy, with Witch World. This unique world of...

<<<  С. А. Крылова, Н. В. Хамитов. Психология ...             О. П. Полтаруха. Атлас-определитель усоногих ... >>>

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