William B. Rouse

Organizational Simulation (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management)

Book DescriptionFrom modeling and simulation to games and entertainment With contributions from leaders in systems and organizational modeling, behavioral and social sciences, computing and visualization, and gaming and entertainment,...

Mikall Branch-Lopez

Buddha Groove: : Murder on Melrose

Book Description With faiths tested by triumph or defeat, the journey begins with the dying wish of one woman to leave her only nephew an inheritance. A recent college graduate, Logan Davenport, uncertain about his future, but with his whole life...

Robert McNab

Ghost Ships : A Surrealist Love Triangle

Book DescriptionTravel and exploration fascinated the Surrealists, who crossed continents marveling at their diversity. This riveting book retraces one of their most important and exciting voyages, made on the eve of the birth of Surrealism in 1924....

Matthew Collings

Ron Arad Talks to Matthew Collings About Designing Chairs, Vases, Buildings and ...

Book DescriptionThis book presents the work of Ron Arad, one of the most successful and creative contemporary designers. In a long conversation with the art critic Matthew Collings, which runs throughout the book, Ron Arad talks about his work,...

Paul Speiregen

Pre-Design 1

Book Description You don't have to read 50 books to prepare for this test. Paul Spreiregen, FAIA, has written a comprehensive Pre-Design course that will simplify your preparation. Pre-Design 1 is an extensive review of environmental...

Geraldine McCaughrean

Theseus (Heroes)

Book DescriptionHumble country boy Theseus sets off to meet his father, the king of Athens, and claim his right as heir to the throne in this classic story. Along the way, his intelligence and strength help him surpass all obstacles, including...

Vladimir Lange

Be a Survivor: Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment, Third Edition (Book and DVD)

Book DescriptionPRODUCT DESCRIPTION Be a Survivor - Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment ? book with DVD - 3rd ed. By Vladimir Lange, MD A unique book-with-DVD combination that informs and empowers Dr. Vladimir Lange is a Harvard Medical...

John Holland

Born Knowing: A Medium's Journey-Accepting and Embracing My Spiritual Gifts

Book DescriptionGiven the phenomenal change in attitudes about life after death, public interest in the Other Side is ever-increasing. Born Knowing will show you that even after the loss of a loved one, you?re never truly alone. Born...

Cathy Hopkins

Mates, Dates, and Inflatable Bras (Mates, Dates)

Book Description A turning point is exactly what Lucy Loverling does NOT want. Everything is changing around her, and suddenly she has to make all sorts of decisions. Everyone else knows who and what she wants to be except her. Izzie has become...

В. Артамонов

Василий III

Автор в увлекательной, яркой форме повествует о жизни и деятельности отца Ивана Грозного Василия III. В основу романа положена история насильственного пострижения в монахини первой жены Василия III Соломонии и его женитьба на Елене Глинской....

Татьяна Полякова

Список донжуанов

Меня зовут Симона. Мой муж не дает мне развода и грозится убить. Похоже, он не шутит. Иначе как объяснить ночной визит двух молодчиков, которые связали меня и оставили на произвол судьбы в пустой квартире? Как объяснить, что меня столкнули с моста в...

<<<  Жан Лакруа. Жан Лакруа. Избранное. Персонализм             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

Вики Д. Л. Федорова. Чудеса творений Божьих Поиск людей Mary Man-Kong. Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princess Мой мир Гюстав Эмар. Гюстав Эмар. Приключения на суше и на море. В трех томах. Апорт Билайн Линн Лоу. Секс. Все, что нужно знать Владимир Шитов. Щупальца воровского спрута Generating and Sustaining Nonprofit Earned Income: A Guide to Successful Каталог софта Вести Б. В. Кузнецов. Русско-английский словарь научно-технической лексики ASHKENAZY. BEET:PIANO SONATA. Исполнитель: Stephen P. Osborne. The Voluntary and Non-Profit Sector in Japan Книга об иконе Богоматери Одигитрии Тихвинской (подарочный Почта Brad Kleindl. E-Commerce Marketing Скотт Адамс. Будущее по Дилберту. Процветание глупости в XXI веке THE MERSEYBEATS. THE WORLD OF THE. Исполнитель: THE MERSEYBEATS Альбом: THE Корбина
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