James E. Lukaszewski, Mary Ann N. Cotton

First Response : Critical First Response Steps : A Management Model for Effective Response to Crisis; Scenario Response Development Checklist : A Work-Up Model; The Case Study : A Conclusions/Lessons Learned Framework

Your worst nightmare (insert it here) has just begun. Your career and the company's reputation are just a short step or click from ruin. This three-part monograph provides a management model for effective response to crisis; a scenario-based,...

Bernard Roy, Mark R. McCord

Multicriteria Methodology for Decision Aiding (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications)

This is the first comprehensive book to present, in English, the multicriteria methodology for decision aiding. In the foreword the distinctive features and main ideas of the European School of MCDA are outlined. The twelve chapters are essentially...

Christian Schmidt

Game Theory and Economic Analysis (Routledge Advances in Game Theory)

This book presents the huge variety of current contributions of game theory to economics. The impressive contributions fall broadly into two categories. Some lay out in a jargon free manner a particular branch of the theory, the evolution of one of...

Thomas R. Crowel, Thomas Ray Crowel

Simple Selling: Common Sense That Guarantees Your Success

There are no "secrets" to success! Tom Crowel's book explains five common sense principles that will guarantee your success and guide you through a very successful career. Everyone sells...everything you can imagine is sold. Simple Selling offers...

Elizabeth Barrett, Vic Lally, Robert Thresh, Sean Purcell

Sign Posts for Educational Research: A Multimedia Resource for the Beginning Researcher

Signposts for Educational Research CD-ROM is an indispensable resource for those embarking on research in education and related fields. By using a compelling metaphor of the researcher as traveller, the beginning researcher can...

Maria Langer

Excel X for Mac OS X

Untitled Excel X for Mac OS X is the model OS X app, from its Aqua interface to its complete support for OS X's modern architecture. In Excel X for Mac OSX:...

Peter Levy

Getting Started With The Internet (Grades 4-8)

An Easy and Practical Guide for Teachers Internet Made Easy! Hitch a ride on the information super highway with this easy beginner's guide to the Internet. You'll find everything you need to know about hooking up to the Internet,...

Paul McFedries

The Unauthorized Guide to Windows 98 (2nd Edition)

The Unauthorized Guide to Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition gives savvy consumers foolproof instruction in the techniques that work and those that don't--with unbiased recommendations that are not influenced by any company, product, or...

Keith Peters, Todd Yard

Extending Macromedia Flash MX 2004: Complete Guide and Reference to JavaScript Flash

With the release of Flash MX 2004, Macromedia has given us a brand-new Extensibility architecture layer, which lets us look under the hood of Flash and extend its functionality. With the extensibility tools, which include behaviors, custom-made...

Аша Калбег

Компьютерная графика и анимация

Творчески используйте ваш компьютер! Книга "Компьютерная графика и анимация" расскажет вам, как с его помощью можно создавать рисунки и анимационные фильмы и изменять фотографии. По мере появления ваших собственных рисунков вы узнаете, как компьютер...

Ксенофонтова Р. А.

Японское традиционное гончарство XIX - первой половины XX в.

В книге на основе изучения производственно-технической базы японского традиционного гончарства и особенностей фарфоро - керамического производства основных предприятий проводятся атрибуция и датировка экспонатов Музея антропологии и этнографии и...

<<<  Ромена Августова. Говори! Ты это можешь             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

Мегафон КМ Билайн Роберт Говард. Роберт Говард. Собрание сочинений Русское радио Программы Michael H Shuman. The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local А. Дюма. Маркиза д'Эскоман Бесплатный хостинг Все о Линукс Ливе Погода Репетитор по физике Кирилла и Мефодия 2007. "Репетитор по физике Кирилла Стелла Камерон. Лучшая месть C. Carney Strange, James H. Banning, C. Carney Strange, James
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