К. и А. Вильямсон

Золотое безмолвие

Издание "Вестника Иностранной Литературы", 1913 год, С.-Петербург. Новодельный профессиональный переплет с золотым тиснением. Книга отреставрирована. Сохранность раритета хорошая. Представлен роман К. и А. Вильямсон "Золотое безмолвие"....


Scott Barrett

Environment and Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making

Environment and Statecraft develops a theory of how states can cooperate in protecting their shared environmental resources--resources such as the ozone layer, the blue fin tuna, the Aral Sea, the entirety of the earth's biodiversity, and the global...


Peter D. Groenewegen

Physicians and Political Economy (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

This book examines the life and work of six doctor-economists: Petty, Locke, Barbon, Mandeville, Quesnay and Juglar. It studies the interaction between their medicalpractice and their economics....


Ellen Kaye

Maximize Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak, Look and Act on Your Way to the Top

Master the Perfect Presentation with Ease The difference between a mediocre and magnificent career usually hinges on one simple thing: how you present yourself to management, clients, coworkers, and the public. In Maximize Your...


Howard Lewis, J. David Richardson

Why Global Commitment Really Matters!

For both soaring Silicon Valley and slumping Central New York, and for firms both large and small, global integration usually has a very positive impact. In this study, Howard Lewis and J. David Richardson explore new gains from deep international...


Eve Coles, Denis Smith, Steve Tombs

Risk Management and Society (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Volume 16)

Recent events like the BSE and GM food crises, and the Concorde crash in July 2000, have illustrated that large private and public sector organisations are vulnerable and can suffer from major disruption to their business. Awareness of the need to...


Bonnie Koenig

Going Global for the Greater Good : Succeeding as a Nonprofit in the International Community

Going Global for the Greater Good offers a unique look at the way nonprofits—of any size—can increase their impact and better achieve their missions by engaging in the international community. Nonprofits that see themselves...


J. Peter Williamson

The Investment Banking Handbook

This edited volume offers thorough coverage of the business of investment banking, including much inside information based on the extensive professional experience of the contributors. Comprising 32 chapters, covering every facet of investment...


Т. В. Ильина

История искусств. Русское и советское искусство

В пособии для вузов по специальности "Журналистика" показана специфика развития древнерусского искусства, русского искусства XVIII-XIX вв. и многонационального советского искусства. Рассматриваются живопись и архитектура, скульптура, прикладное...


Bruce Schneier

Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition

". . .the best introduction to cryptography I've ever seen. . . . The book the National Security Agency wanted never to be published. . . ." -Wired Magazine ". . .monumental . . . fascinating . . . comprehensive . . . the definitive...


Ron Tanner, Brad Dayley

Novell's ZENworks for Desktops 3 Administrator's Handbook

Novell's ZENworks for Desktops 3 Administrator's Handbook is the official guide to Novell's flagship ZENworks product n ZENworks for Desktops 3. This convenient guide is the perfect resource for network administrators and IT workers...


<<<  Ф. М. Достоевский. Преступление и наказание             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

Steve Sheinkin. The Adventures of Rabbi Harvey: Мария Барыня. Герои нашего лета Бесплатные объявления П. Н. Городничев, К. П. Городничева. Финансовое и инвестиционное прогнозирование. И. В. Кольцова, Д. А. Рябых. Практика финансовой диагностики и Н. Султан - Гирей. Данте. Флорентийский изгнанник. Поиск майл.ру Все произведения школьной программы в кратком Майк Коплек. Берлин 1933-1945. Путеводитель по следам прошлого Работа Путешествия Из рук в руки Русское радио Бесплатные объявления
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