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Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus: Gender, Law, And Society
Book Description"The essays in this volume confront the inroads that economics has made into the legal academy. . . . Law and Economics uses principles of neoclassical economics to develop laws and social policies that maintain if not bolster...
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The United States: Singapore Free Trade Agreement Highlights and Insights
On 1 January 2004, the US?Singapore Free Trade Agreement (USSFTA) came into force. The USSFTA was the result of a two-year negotiation process which started towards the end of the Clinton Administration and concluded under the Bush...
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Lyle Yorks Strategic Human Resource Development
Book Description Human Resources Development is written with the primary purpose of covering core and emerging issues in Human Resource Development. The book?s secondary purpose is to offer a specific perspective on HRD, one that links the practice...
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The Dream Weavers: Strategy-Focused Leadership in Technology-Driven Organizations
Book DescriptionThe main question that guided the thinking behind this book can be stated as follows: "What kind of leadership behavior must executives of technology-driven organizations display to spur performance excellence?" To address this...
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Joyce Raimondo Picture This!: Activities And Adventures In Impressionism (Art Explorers)
Book DescriptionThis second book in the Art Explorers series introduces kids to the world of impressionism, featuring the art of five famous impressionist artists: Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Edward Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Mary...
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Tres Sylvest Finding Destiny
Finding Destiny begins the journey of three friends that will ultimately lead them to an exalted purpose. The three orphans are pulled together by an isolation caused by being different, as well as, their common love for adventure. Their quests,...
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Jeffrey Archer A Twist in the Tale
No one can weave a web of suspense, deliver a jolt of surprise, or teach a lesson in living like bestselling author Jeffrey Archer. From Africa to the Middle East, and from London to Beijing, Archer takes us to places we've never seen and...
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Richard Woff A Pocket Dictionary Of Ancient Greek Heroes And Heroines
Book DescriptionThe audacious characters of Greek mythology have remained popular throughout the ages. This colorful and handy visual reference introduces to a new generation these ancient heroes and heroines, who used their cunning, beauty, and...
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F. H. Buckley Just Exchange: A Theory of Contract (The Economics of Legal Relationships)
Book DescriptionIn this book the author approaches fundamental issues of contract law from an economic perspective, though the book is far from being overly technical and will appeal equally to economists, philosophers and law students....
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Stephen Paget Ambroise Pare And His Times 1510 to 1590
Book Description1897. Illustrated. From the Preface: Even though a book goes over old ground, it may yet be welcome; and Ambroise Pare's life was so full of good works, adventure, and romance, that it ought to be known and honored in other countries...
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Мария Ковнацка Приключения профессора Божья-Коровка. В двух книгах
Издание 1957 года. Сохранность хорошая. В комплект вошли две сказки в стихах: "Профессор и птицы" и "О коте бездельнике". Иллюстрации Мариана Валентыновича. Перевод Теодора Тегеля....
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Домой Иэн М. Бэнкс. Вспомни о Флебе
Виктор Ерофеев. Мужчины
Ю. Зозуля. Видеосамоучитель Windows XP (+ CD-ROM)
Поиск работы
М. Л. Михайлов. М. Л. Михайлов. Сочинения. В трех томах. Том 1
Шерлок Холмс: Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Бэзил Рэтбон ("Одиссея
Thomas H. Greco, Vicki Robin. Money: Understanding
Дербент, Хасавюрт, Улан-Удэ, Железнодорожный, Новокуйбышевск, Саранск, Люберцы, Орехово-Зуево, Орехово-Зуево, Находка, Иркутск,
Банковское дело| Теория и методика воспитани| Любовный роман| Актеры.| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Все о человеке| Технические науки в целом| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Отечественное кино| Постановки балета| Фантастика ужасов. Мистика| Биографии композиторов| История. Исторические науки| Спортивные| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Товары для активного отдыха| Международные финансовые отношения| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| Другие языки| На французском языке| Наборы фокусов| Музыкальные комедии| Английский| Общее языкознание| Парапсихология| Общественные и гуманитарные науки| Современные драмы| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Логистика. Транспорт. Склад| Микроэкономика| Универсальные| Сборники мультфильмов| Остросюжетные сериалы| Поп-музыка| Приключенческие комедии| Драмы| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Зарубежные писатели| Подготовка к школе| Русская фэнтези| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Административное право| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Банковское дело| Боевики (actions)| Рыбалка|
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