Howard G. Rosenberg

How to Succeed Without a Career Path: Jobs for People With No Corporate Ladder

Shows how individuals can find satisfying and rewarding work outside traditional careers....

Jeffrey K. Pinto, Pekka Rouhiainen

Building Customer-Based Project Organizations

How to Ensure That the Customer Is Truly Your Number One Priority How do winning organizations such as General Electric, Ericsson, and Nokia use project management to reduce time to market, trim inventory and supplier costs, and minimize...

Brian Hindley

Trade Liberalization in Aviation Services: Can the Doha Round Free Flight? (AEI Studies on Services Trade Negotiations)

International air transport is governed by guidelines established in 1944, when war-torn European states blocked American proposals for open international aviation; a system that allowed protection of national carriers was adopted. In this new...

Nick Bontis

World Congress on Intellectual Capital Readings

An impressive collection of the latest cutting-edge work in the dynamic field of intellectual capital. Experts from around the world discuss the current state of affairs from a variety of perspectives, providing a cross-disciplinary view of the...

Productivity Dev Team, Productivity Development Team

OEE for Operators: Overall Equipment Effectiveness

The goal of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is to increase equipment effectiveness so each piece of equipment can be operated to its full potential and maintained at that level. To maximize equipment effectiveness, you need a measurement tool...

Russell W. McCalley

Patterns of Management Power

Management is helpless without the power to direct and control the pursuit of well-defined corporate goals. McCalley identifies six distinct patterns of power within organizations, arguing that management can and must use all of them creatively and...

История искусств стран Западной Европы от Возрождения до начала 20 века. Искусство XIX века. Книга 2

История искусств стран Западной Европы от Возрождения до начала XX века издана в трех книгах. Они подготовлены Отделом классического искусства Запада Государственного института искусствознания. Вторая книга посвящена живописи, театру и...

А. А. Дуванов

Азы информатики. Пишем на компьютере. Книга для учителя. 6 класс

В книге содержатся дополнительные материалы по темам, методические рекомендации и комментарии, помогающие учителю организовать процесс знакомства учащихся с текстовыми редакторами и процессорами интересно и эффективно. Последовательно описаны...

Steven M. Bachrach

The Internet: A Guide for Chemists (Acs Professional Reference Book)

This valuable resource contains information for beginners and advanced users. It describes how to use the major Internet resources, including FTP, e-mail, electronic lists, Gopher, and the World Wide Web, and how to become an information provider on...

Sexual Dysfunction - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Peter Leonard

Postmodern Welfare : Reconstructing an Emancipatory Project

Peter Leonard provides an accessible analysis of debates about the crisis of the welfare state under the contemporary conditions of postmodern scepticism and the triumphs of global market capitalism. In the last two decades Western governments have...

<<<  Т. А. Шорыгина. Домашние животные. Какие они? Книга для ...             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

Поиск мета Ливе Janice J. Beaty. Skills for Preschool Teachers Нигма Рекомендации по расходу топлива машинами для содержания, МСН Патрик Санчес. Подружки Marumi MC-UV (Haze) 82mm. Фильтр Marumi MC-UV HAZE 82mm УФ-лучи не Статистика ICON Health Pub.. The Official Patient's Sourcebook Поиск майл.ру Одноклассники Taz Tally, Taz Tally Ph.D.. Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
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