Ю. В. Васин, Л. Г. Лаврентьев, А. В. Самсонов

Эффективные программы лояльности. Как привлечь и удержать клиентов

Вы держите в руках книгу, посвященную современным представлениям о программах привлечения и поощрения постоянных клиентов, так называемых программах лояльности. Она предназначена для специалистов предприятий торговли и сервиса, маркетологов,...

Ричард Брейли, Стюарт Майерс

Принципы корпоративных финансов

Перед вами общепризнанный и ценимый специалистами учебник по теории и практике финансов в современной экономике: вот уже более десяти лет, от издания к изданию, он служит базовым учебным и практическим пособием по финансовому менеджменту в США, а с...

Ron Knight

Healing Money Issues

Philosophy Behind the Workbook My philosophy is that there is a solution, for those of you who feel and experience lack or unworthiness in your life, year after year. Allow me to explain how this works. Your thoughts create 'energy'. This...

Jacques Solvay, Michele Sanglier, Paul Brenton, Ilya Prigogine

Modelling the Growth of Corporations: Applications for Managerial Techniques and Portfolio Analysis

This book helps managers and investment analysts understand the value of analyzing the long-run growth processes of corporations. The authors develop an approach for analyzing and modeling the productivity growth of individual corporations and...

The Career Psychology of Women

Summarizing literature from the twenty-year-old field of women's career development, this book brings scholars and professionals up-to-date in their understanding of the factors influencing women's career choices and career adjustment across the...

Stephen Crowley

Hot Coal, Cold Steel: Russian and Ukrainian Workers from the End of the Soviet Union to the Post-Communist Transformations

Well after the disintegration of the Communist Party and the Soviet state--and through several years of economic collapse--industrial workers in almost every sector of the former Soviet Union have remained quiescent and the same ineffective and...

Vasanthakumar N. Bhat

Total Quality Environmental Management : An ISO 14000 Approach

This book offers new insights into implementing environmental programs in companies of any size. The reader is walked through all phases of an environmental management program, including self-evaluation, product and process evaluation, environmental...

Edward L. Lascher, Michael R. Powers

The Economics and Politics of Choice No-Fault Insurance

In recent years, choice no-fault has emerged as a popular but controversial proposal for addressing the problem of high automobile insurance rates. Choice plans offer consumers the option of a lower-cost insurance policy with restrictions on filing...

Reeve Huston

Land and Freedom: Rural Society, Popular Protest, and Party Politics in Antebellum New York

During the early nineteenth-century, two million acres of New York's farmland were controlled by a handful of great families. Along the Hudson Valley and across the Catskills lay the great estates of the Van Rensselaers, the Livingstons, and a dozen...

James Larminie, Andrew Dicks

Fuel Cell Systems Explained

Building on the success of the first edition Fuel Cell Systems Explained presents a balanced introduction to this growing area. "In summary, an altogether satisfying book that puts within its covers the academic tools necessary for...

Jeff Carlson

iMovie 4 and iDVD 4 for Mac OS X : Visual QuickStart Guide (VISUAL QUICKSTART GUIDES)

Book Description One makes cinematographers out of the masses; the other gives the masses a medium on which to distribute their masterworks--and that's just the beginning of what Apple's iMovie 4 and iDVD 4 are capable of. This task-based guide is...

<<<  Арки, двери, окна. Традиционные и современные конструкции ...             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

Wings. Venus and Mars. Виниловый диск. Французское издание. Jeffrey G. Allen. Jeff Allen's Best: Win Работа Daim. Daim: Daring to Push the Boundaries Гогле Рейтинг Tim Parks. A Season with Verona: Travels Around Italy in Search of Ф. М. Достоевский. Братья Карамазовы. Часть 1 (аудиокнига А. А. Гвоздев, Н. А. Дьяков. Операционная система Windows Почта.ру Фото Статистика Рамблер Бертран Одели. Дхарамсала. Тибетские хроники S. P. Somtow. Bluebeard's Castle Thomas Foltynie. Parkinson's Disease: Your Questions Поиск работы Jacques Roubaud. The Great Fire of London: (A Story with interpolations and Herbert Mason. Gilgamesh : A Verse Narrative Автомобильный портал Н. Н. Веденин. Экологическое право
Прокопьевск, Ростов-на-Дону, Благовещенск, Северодвинск, Ангарск, Мытищи, Находка, Рыбинск, Ноябрьск,
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