B. Cotton

E-Selling (Sales)

Download DescriptionThe sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling,...

Peter H. Sutcliffe

The Oxford University Press: An Informal History

Book DescriptionOxford University Press is one of the oldest and best-known publishing houses in the world. This history, originally published to mark 500 years of printing in Oxford, traces the transformation of the Press from a lucrative Bible...

Society for Human Resource Management

2003 Business Ethics Survey

Book DescriptionThe new 2003 edition of this essential business ethics report updates the study findings from 1997 and provides ethics trend data and benchmarks for human resource professionals in a number of important areas. New questions on...

С. Соловьев

День ангела

"Продолжаются несообразности вокруг сухогруза "Полковник Селиванов". Исчез капитан судна Валерий Фокин . Перед исчезновением Валерий заявил, что владеет средством против СПИДа". ...

Ong Kim Seng

Mastering Light & Shade in Watercolor

Few painters realize that in order to give their paintings a luminous glow they must also manipulate the darks. Ong Kim Seng is a master of this method and in this book se shows readers exactly how to do it. He does so with a stimulating, logical ...

Jim Jamieson

Our National Parks and Wildlife Refuges : Capturing the Rhythms of Light and Land

Book DescriptionPhotographer and author Jim Jamieson illustrates through film the rhythms of light and land across millions of acres of national parks, wildlife refuges, and unprotected lands. Blending photographic techniques, equipment,...

Cool Restaurants Madrid (Cool Restaurants)

Spain?s capital is also its most ebullient city. To experience Madrid is to explore its restaurants and eateries, prop up its countless bars, and be swept up in its nocturnal charms. In this diverse and open-armed city is a thriving restaurant...

Clifford D. Taylor

Taylor's Tales

Book DescriptionIf you found a diary, would you read it? What if you were supposed to read it? Follow a scientist in his dirigible called the Zognaut , and witness a remarkable diary you are suppose to read. Have you ever wondered what...

Les Miserables in Concert : The Musical That Swept the World

Book Description16 songs from the beloved musical, including 7 songs never before in print! Contains: At the End of the Day * Bring Him Home * Castle on a Cloud * Come to Me * Do You Hear the People Sing? * Empty Chairs at Empty Tables * A Heart...

Old-fashioned Foot Soak (Original Famous Teacher Family Brand Mini Kits)

Book DescriptionAs part of our unique line of natural remedies and soothers, this great little kit offers a concise, 32-page guide to relaxing through an old-fashioned foot soak. Nothing eases a weary body on a cold night like a soak with mineral...

Stephen Hillenburg

Spongebob Squarepants: Crime and Punishment (Spongebob Squarepants (Tokyopop))

Book DescriptionA crime wave hits the underwater town of Bikini Bottom, and SpongeBob SquarePants is right in the middle of it! As if "borrowing" balloons with his best friend Patrick and trying to cover up accidentally killing the health inspector...

<<<  Ю. А. Жлуктенко, Е. А. Карпиловская, В. И. Ярмак. Изучаем украинский ...             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

В. Брежнева. Кремлевская диета. Завтраки. Обеды. Ужины Вики Почта Парыгина В.А., Тедеев А.А.. Бюджетная система России. Погода Юрий Никитин. Имаго Илья Резник. Пугачева и другие Статистика Лист
Химки, Старый Оскол, Норильск, Новокузнецк, Ногинск, Москва, Сыктывкар, Тверь, Северодвинск, Самара, Уфа, ВеликийНовгород, Нижневартовск, Чита, Абакан, Пермь,
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