Keith Acheson, Christopher Maule

Much Ado About Culture: North American Trade Disputes (Studies in International Economics)

In Canada, the audio-visual and print industries are referred to as the cultural industries, whereas the United States calls them the entertainment industries. These language distinctions are accompanied by different domestic policies and...

Stephen A. Ross, Randolph, W. Westerfield, Bradford D Jordan

Student Problem Manual to accompany Essentials of Corporate Finance

This valuable resource provides students with additional problems for practice and reinforcement. Each chapter begins with Concepts for Review, followed by Chapter Highlights. These re-emphasize the key terms and concepts in the chapter. A short...

Sylvia Lim

Finances After 55: Make the Transition from Income-Based Living to Retirement Living

Living off savings is much different than living from paycheck to paycheck. It requires a very different kind of budget and a very different financial plan. Don?t be caught off guard when you make the switch because financial errors at this...

J. Paul Peter, Jerry Olson

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform consumer analyses that can be used for understanding markets and developing effective marketing strategies. The authors have developed what they call the Wheel of...

А. К. Толстой

Алексей Толстой. Баллады

Романтика военных подвигов всегда волновала поэтов. В балладах А.К.Толстого отражены события русской и европейской военной истории. Судьба родной земли, готовность к самопожертвованию во имя любви к ней - тема романтических произведений великого...

Ralph Grabowski

CAD Manager's Guidebook (Reference)

There's one thing CAD managers agree upon: running a CAD department is a difficult job. This new edition of CAD Manager's Guidebook helps readers anticipate problems and devise solutions within their daily jobs. Complete with an all-new companion...

Walter J. Goralski

Juniper and Cisco Routing: Policy and Protocols for Multivendor Networks

* Discusses how network traffic flow is complicated by the fact that each routing vendor has its own propietary implementation or extension to the routing protocols. * Covers both Juniper and Cisco routing, and touches on other vendor...

Kevin Kocis

Microsoft Active Directory Administration

Microsoft Active Directory Administration does a good job explaining Active Directory and serving as a quick-reference resource for administrators. The key difference between Microsoft Windows 2000 and its immediate predecessor is Active...

Chris De LA Nougerede

Essential Computers: CorelDraw: An Introduction (Essential Computers Series)

Following the extremely successful Essential Managers series, these four new Essential Computer guides are easy-to-follow and contain all the computer information you will ever need. Looking to hone your computer skills in Word, CorelDraw, and...

Russ B. Altman, A. Keith Dunker, Lawrence Hunter, Tiffany A. Jung, Teri E. Klein

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004: Hawaii, USA 6-10 January 2004

The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2004) is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research on the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance....

Course Technology, Course Technology

Course ILT: Red Hat Linux 6.2: Basic

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

<<<  А. П. Прудников, Ю. А. Брычков, О. И. Маричев. ...             Частная медицинская вирусология. Учебное пособие составлено ... >>>

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