Популярный шашечный практикум

"Шашечная игра - мать шахматной, и мать достойная"... Эти крылатые слова принадлежат выдающемуся шахматисту, экс-чемпиону мира Эмануилу Ласкеру. С виду простая, эта старинная игра при более серьезном знакомстве с ней привлекает...

Mark Rupert

Producing Hegemony: The Politics of Mass Production and American Global Power (Cambridge Studies in International Relations ; 38)

Mark Rupert traces the relationship between American global power and the rise of mass production. The United States was propelled to the apex of the global division of labor, ensuring victory in World War II and enabling postwar reconstruction...

Boye Lafayette De Mente

Chinese Etiquette & Ethics In Business

New economies are developing in the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong--and Western technology, management expertise, and capital are helping to fuel them. But every gain is hard won and Western businesspeople who are successful...

Yvonne Francine Conte

Serious Laughter: Live a Happier, Healthier, More Productive Life

Serious Laughter offers a wealth of ideas and practical suggestions of how to add humor and laughter to your life. This book provides easy to understand information in an entertainingly friendly, but very authoritative way. In addition, it...

Richard N. Langlois, Paul L. Robertson

Firms, Markets and Economic Change: A Dynamic Theory of Business Institutions

The authors argue that innovation is a complex process that defies neat categorization and government policy should be to facilitate change rather than to direct it....

Theodore Moran, Theodore H. Moran

Inversion Extranjera Directa y Desarrollo

En esta obra, Inversion extranjera directa y desarrollo, Ted Moran examina la importancia creciente de la inversion extranjera directa como fuente de capital, modernizacion de la administracion y cambio tecnologico para el...

Howard L. Simons

The Dynamic Option Selection System : Analyzing Markets and Managing Risk (Wiley Trading)

An indispensable resource for experienced and novice options traders and hedgers alike Dynamic Option Selection System "Howard Simons offers an in-depth look at options and risk management for the serious market participant. He uses his extensive...

Olivier De LA Grandville, Olivier De LA Grandville

Bond Pricing and Portfolio Analysis

This text makes accessible the most important methodological advances in bond evaluation from the past twenty years. With uncommon precision and a strong emphasis on the underlying economic fundamentals, Olivier de La Grandville presents a unified...

Walter W. Tornow, Manuel London

Maximizing the Value of 360-degree Feedback : A Process for Successful Individual and Organizational Development (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership))

The comprehensive guide to 360-degree feedback from the Center for Creative Leadership In the network economy, growing intellectual capital is the key to increasing market value. In Maximizing, Tornow, London, and their associates...

Freeman F. Gosden

Direct Marketing Success: What Works and Why

For people who are thinking of starting a mail order business, or those involved in or planning to get into the direct marketing industry, this nuts-and-bolts guide explains the ``how'' and the ``why'' of the concepts and the techniques that make...

Подарок защитнику отечества. Военный энциклопедический словарь

Военный энциклопедический словарь - новое популярное справочное издание, предназначенное самому широкому кругу читателей. В издание включено свыше 7000 статей, в которых отражаются мировая военная история, система современных отечественных и...

<<<  Элисон Синклер. Вереница             И. Э. Михайлова. Profitcenter Wirtschaftsbereich-Tourismus in Deutschland ... >>>

Работа Jared Hodges, Lindsay Cibos. Digital Manga Workshop: An Artist's Guide Почта.ру Гомер Эдвин Эванс. Время сновидений. Прекрасное продолжение музыкальной Английская набережная, 4. Сборник. Выпуск 4. В сборник включены материалы John E. Tropman. Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision-Making Из рук в руки David Chierichetti. Edith Head : The Life and Times of Hollywood's BITCH ALERT. RRIOT. Исполнитель: BITCH ALERT Альбом: RRIOT STADIO. L'AMORE VOLUBILE. Исполнитель: STADIO Альбом: L'AMORE VOLUBILE Производитель: TRENET, CHARLES. "LE FOU CHANTANT - ANTHOLOGIE". Исполнитель: Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental and Resource Билайн Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion. Mozart Meets Cuba. Исполнитель: Виртуальные открытки Вельтищев Ю.Е., Шаробаро В.Е.. Боль у детей МТС
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