Т. М. Мезенцев, Г. А. Мезенцева, В. Ю. Горобец

Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности: тесты с ответами

Пособие "Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности: тесты с ответами" предполагает изучение российскими бухгалтерами, аудиторами, студентами, магистрантами и аспирантами международных стандартов финансовой отчетности, сравнение их с российскими...

Kyojiro Someya

Japanese Accounting: A Historical Approach

Much attenton has been given to Japanese business, but this has mainly focused on management practices, production systems and manufacturing, and the business system. Very little has been written about Japanese accounting. In this new work, Kyojiro...

Roger E. Alcaly, Roger Alcaly

The New Economy: What It Is, How It Happened, and Why It Is Likely to Last

How doing business is undergoing a major historic transformation--and why we’ve only begun our productivity upswing America’s economic troubles have had a dramatic impact on how investors view markets and the...

Guy Standing

Global Labour Flexibility: Seeking Distributive Justice

What models of distributive justice can the twenty-first century promote to challenge the spread of insecurity, inequality, and social fragmentation? The 20th century was dominated by competition between two labor models of society--state...

International Business Publications, USA

Guam Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)

Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers…...

John M. Penrose

Business Communication for Managers With Infotrac: An Advanced Approach College Edition

This text presents balanced treatment of both the theory and applications of managerial communication. Content includes strong coverage of ethics, cross-cultural communication and the newest technological influences in communication. Unique,...

Elizabeth P. Tierney

How to Make Effective Presentations (Survival Skills for Scholars ; V. 16)

,Public speaking remains a nerve-racking experience for even the most frequent practitioners. This unique guide is written specifically for the needs of academic presenters; both teachers and students. It combines the principles of effective...

Nancy Austin, Thomas J Peters

Passion for Excellence

A Passion For Excellence is the single most existing, inspiring, career-transforming book ever published for people who want to get ahead. It takes you behind, the scenes in some of the most successful organizations and analyzes what makes them...

Jeffrey Peel

CRM: Redefining Customer Relationship Management (Enterprise Computing)

In CRM, Jeffrey Peel defines Customer Relationship Management in a radical new way by putting communications at the center. In the past, CRM was mostly about the technology, not about the customer. In this book, Peel talks about a new ethos that is...


Cayman Islands a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Dieter Helm, Tim Jenkinson, Mark Armstrong

Competition in Regulated Industries

The UK has pioneered the introduction of competition into previously monopolistic utility industries--such as telecommunications, gas, electricity, railroads, and even waterworks. The radical policy innovations behind these moves have been...

<<<  Нина Алексеева. Лаврентий Берия в моей жизни             И. Э. Михайлова. Profitcenter Wirtschaftsbereich-Tourismus in Deutschland ... >>>

Поиск мета Елена Улыбина. Страх и смерть желания COLEMAN, BILL. AMERICAN SWINGING IN PARIS. Исполнитель: Германн Керн. Лабиринты мира Лента Леонид Филатов. Театр Леонида Филатова (аудиокнига на 6 CD) Почта Яхо Сергей Матвеев. Астрология денег Работа Гогле Джокеръ. Михаил Ефремов ("Супертеща для неудачника") Гель-лифтинг "Виноград и сосна". Пробуждает и тонизирует Р. И. Аванесов. Русское литературное произношение Т. Бордман. 3ds max 6. Учебный курс (+ CD-ROM) Суворов О.. Самая веселая авантюра Эйв Дэвидсон, Грэния Дэвис. Сын неба. Странствия Марко Футбол Из рук в руки
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