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Джозеф О'Коннор НЛП. Практическое руководство для достижения желаемых результатов
Эта книга - наиболее полный и авторитетный справочник по нейролингвистическому программированию. Она содержит обширный теоретический материал, упражнения и приемы внушения, используя которые можно научиться лучше видеть, слышать и чувствовать...
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А. А. Дуванов Азы информатики. Работаем с информацией. Книга для ученика. 5 класс
Оптимально совмещая теорию и практику, книга знакомит учащихся с понятием "информация": рассказывает о ее видах и способах представления, преобразования, кодирования и защиты; представляет различные способы хранения, обработки и обмена информацией;...
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А. Д. Суханов, О. Н. Голубева Концепции современного естествознания
Учебник представляет собой авторскую реализацию исходной концепции естественнонаучного образования гуманитариев, одобренной коллегией Комитета по высшему образованию России в 1993 г., и написан в соответствии с "Требованиями к обязательному минимуму...
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Sally Adams, Don Keller, Lee Pryor Using Financial Accounting Information: A Decision Case Approach
Adams is a user-oriented financial accounting text that emphasizes discovery learning instead of the more traditional memorization. Using an interactive, decision-making case approach, Adams is organized around the type of business decisions that...
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Maureen Carroll Gilligan Female Corporate Culture and the New South : Women in Business Between the World Wars (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)
Before World War I, Southern women's participation in the workforce consisted of black women's domestic labor and white working-class women's industrial or manufacturing work, but after the war, Southern women flooded business offices as...
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Barnett C. Helzberg, Barnett Helzberg What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Developing a Highly Successful Company
"Your book is terrific. It contains helpful advice and is easy to read." ?Warren Buffett "This is 24-carat advice?a real gem for any aspiring entrepreneur." ?Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 New York Times...
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Stephen Mathis Minding Your Own Business: Secrets to Overcome Job Dissatisfaction
Minding Your Own Business! offers practical and inspiring career advice on how to succeed in present or prospective employment using 7 powerful principles for personal profit. In a changing economy and cross-cultural world, these...
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John E. Kuada, Olav Jull Sorensen, Olav Jull Srensen Internationalization of Companies from Developing Countries
Internationalization of Companies from Developing Countries provides marketing and economic researchers and students with both theoretical and empirical insights into the motives, methods, and processes of internationalization of firms in the...
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Susan L. Webb Shockwaves: The Global Impact of Sexual Harassment
Shockwaves addresses today's most important questions about sexual harassment and is for everyone who needs to know what's going on with the problem of sexual harassment today in the U.S. and other countries of the world. It analyzes...
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Roslyn Dolber Opportunities in Retailing Careers
More than 100 "opportunities" for students and job seekers! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in . . . covers a range of professions, from acting to writing, and encompasses traditional as well as...
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Jill Dyche, Jill Dyche e-Data: Turning Data into Information with Data Warehousing (Addison-Wesley Information Technology Series)
Over the last ten years, the use of detailed data has changed the face of business, and data warehouses have enabled this change. Now widely acknowledged for their role in the delivery of decision support and business intelligence applications,...
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Домой О. В. Ларина. Лечение и восстановление
Из рук в руки
Jean-Pierre Mas. (H)ombre. Альбом "(H)ombre" Жан-Пьер Mac создал
Rick Blunt. Knowledge Management in the New Economy
Steven Flusty. De-Coca-Colonization: Making the Globe from the Inside
В гостях у сказки №17. Дикие лебеди (аудиокнига CD). Сказки известного
Левчук Ю.. Вдохновение
Lise Funderburg. The Color Purple: A Memory Book
Walter J. Goralski. Juniper and Cisco Routing: Policy
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