Новое таможенное законодательство. Сборник

В сборник вошли основополагающие нормативные акты, принятые в соответствии с Таможенным кодексом Российской Федерации, вступившим в силу с 1 января 2004 г. Структура сборника в целом совпадает со структурой нового Таможенного кодекса, что позволяет...

Эрнест Хемингуэй

Старик и море (аудиокнига на 3 CD)

"Читайте то, что я пишу, и не ищите ничего, кроме собственного, удовольствия. А если вы еще что-нибудь найдете, это уж будет ваш вклад в прочитанное. Не было еще хорошей книги, которая возникла бы из заранее выдуманного символа, запеченного в книгу,...

Gilles Saint-Paul

Dual Labor Markets: A Macroeconomic Perspective

"Understanding the nature of good and bad jobs is essential to understanding unemployment. For too long, theories of dual labor markets and theories of unemployment have proceeded in parallel. This was a shame and a scientific sin. Saint-Paul's...

John Jairo Betancur, Doug Gills

The Collaborative City : Opportunities and Struggles for Blacks and Latinos in U.S. Cities (Contemporary Urban Affairs)

This edited collection examines joint efforts by Latinos and African Americans to confront problems faced by populations of both groups in urban settings (in particular, socioeconomic disadvantage and concentration in inner cities). The essays...

Grzegorz W. Kolodko

Globalization and Catching-Up in Transition Economies ... (Rochester Studies in Central Europe)

Kolodko, former finance minister of Poland, considers the links between issues of globalization and post-communist transition, the two most important economic features of the turn of the century. He discusses the pattern of economic growth and...

Alex Hiam

Taming the Conflict Dragon: Mastering Obstacles to Collaboration in the Workplace & in Life

An enchantingly helpful way for readers to improve their ability to resolve conflicts of all sorts, both at work and in their lives in general....

David M. Fetterman, Shakeh J. Kaftarian, Abraham Wandersman

Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and Tools for Self-Assessment & Accountability

Empowerment evaluation - a method for using evaluation concepts, techniques and findings to foster improvement and self-determination - is the focus of this book. After an examination of the method as it has been adopted in academic and foundation...

Stanley Aronowitz

The Last Good Job in America

"Money, jobs, careers, training-all are topics often overheard in the conversation of middle-class Americans today. One of the nation's leading critics of education, the world of work, and the labor movement, Stanley Aronowitz has, over three...

Francesca Taylor

Mastering Foreign Exchange & Currency Options : A Practical Guide to the New Marketplace (2nd Edition) (Market Editions (Financial Times/Prentice Hall).)

The floating exchange rate environment has created a need for banks and their corporate customers to arrange their currency exposure on an active and commercial basis. This book addresses current practice and future issues and is written for both...

Lisa M. Ellram, Laura M. Birou

Purchasing for Bottom Line Impact: Improving the Organization Through Strategic Procurement

Purchasing for Bottom Line Impact shows how the supply function can be key to achieving Total Customer Satisfaction, improving supplier and internal relations, and meeting environmental concerns. It show how to: support strategic success by...

Julian Clay

Selling Solutions: How to Test, Monitor and Constantly Improve Your Selling Skills

Each stage of the sales cycle is explored, from preparing for and targeting new accounts to closing the sale and managing the accounts....

<<<  А. Э. Безносов, Ю. В. Кушнерева. История. Тесты. 7-8 классы             Marjolijn Bijlefeld, Sharon K. Zoumbaris. Teen Guide to Personal ... >>>

Ларри Нивен, Джерри Пурнелл. Мошка в зенице Господней Рейтинг Joey Lott. ActionScript Cookbook Business Process Change Management : ARIS Roger H. Clark. Precedents in Architecture : Analytic Экспортеры. Этот сериал смотрят во всем мире КМ А. П. Немытых. Суперкомпилятор SCP4. Общая структура Виктор Евстафьев. Французско-русский, русско-французский словарь John Vince, Rae A. Earnshaw. Digital Media: The Future Ответы Система SQ (эквалайзер); Выход предусилителя 2,5 В/200 Ом Каталог софта Дуэль под солнцем. Дженнифер Джонс ("Посрами дьявола"), Грегори Благовещенская М.М., Злобин Л.А.. Информационные технологии систем управления Яндекс Поиск майл.ру
Астрахань, Челябинск, Новокуйбышевск, Сыктывкар, Новокуйбышевск, Энгельс, Прокопьевск, Благовещенск, Новороссийск, Муром, Благовещенск, Первоуральск, Сыктывкар, Иркутск, Волгодонск, Пермь, Орёл, Одинцово, Электросталь, Владикавказ, Орск,
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