Владимир Орлов

Соленый арбуз

"Соленый арбуз". Первое значительное произведение в творчестве Владимира Орлова. Это роман о молодых людях, о первой любви, надеждах и разочарованиях. О месте человека в нашем сложном непредсказуемом мире....

Robert F. Durden

Bold Entrepreneur: A Life of James B. Duke

Book DescriptionBold Entrepreneur is the scholarly biography of James B. Duke, a man who was more important to Duke University than it was to him or his life. His munificence in underwriting the establishment and permanent support of Duke University...

Leslie Pockell

The 101 Greatest Business Principles of All Time

Book DescriptionAn MBA in a book! A distillation of the wisdom of the greatest entrepreneurs, business leaders, economists, and inspirational figures of all time--in one handy and elegant volume. No ones business education would be complete...

Office of Management and Budget (U.S.)

Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2005: Historical Tables (Historical Tables Budget of the United States Government)

Book Description Provides data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time period, in most cases beginning in fiscal year 1940 or earlier and ending in fiscal year 2009. Data are...

Фрэнк Харди

Власть без славы. В двух книгах. Книга 2

Роман "Власть без силы" - первое крупное произведение австралийского писателя Фрэнка Харди. В романе метко и правдиво автор изобразил важнейшие стороны общественной и политической жизни страны, ее политических деятелей, государственных чиновников,...

Hermann Sudermann

The Storm Komrade Sokrates

Book DescriptionThe Storm Komrade Sokrates centers on aging radicals who were leaders in German student revolution of the 1848. The main characters are Dr. Hartmeyer, a Dentist and Dr. Marcuse, the local Rabbi. When the play was produced in 1903,...

H. H. Powers

Message of Greek Art

Book Description1913. This is not a history of Greek art. Still less is it a record of personal research or exploration beyond the limits of previous knowledge. The subject here chiefly discussed is Greek art, but with emphasis rather upon the...

Karen Mahony

Bohemian Cats

Book DescriptionAn exquisitely illustrated picture book for all lovers of cats, costumes and the gently bizarre. Bohemian Cats invites readers into a fantastical world where gorgeously-dressed cats go about their business in a lavishly theatrical...

San Francisco in the Sixties (Cities in the Sixties)

Book Description80 black-and-white and color photos....

Scott Westerfeld

The Killing of Worlds : Book Two of Succession (Succession, 2)

Book Description Scott Westerfeld, the acclaimed author of Fine Prey, Polymorph, and Evolution's Darling , reached new heights of excitement in last spring's T he Risen Empire , and left readers begging for more. Now he comes...

Dennis R. Archambault

Odyssey Dreams

Book DescriptionOdyssey Dreams is the story of six brave women and men: the runaway slave-girl and prophetic dreamer who escaped the chains and ignorance of the plantation; the socialite who wanted to raise a family without pretense and...

<<<  Алекс Экслер. Windows XP: установка, настройка, программы             Marjolijn Bijlefeld, Sharon K. Zoumbaris. Teen Guide to Personal ... >>>

Автомобильный портал Корбина Владлен Дорофеев. Сталинизм. Народная монархия Рамблер Бочарова Т.А.. Не оставляй меня, Малыш! Зигмунд Фрейд. Леонардо да Винчи. Воспоминание детства (аудиокнига МТС Катушка безынерционная DAIWA SWEEPFIRE 2500A. Беспрецедентное качество сборки Robert E. Willett. Natural Gas & Electric Industries Analysis
Миасс, Златоуст,
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