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Linsu Kim, Richard R. Nelson Technology, Learning, and Innovation: Experiences of Newly Industrializing Economies
This volume presents ten original essays and four commentaries contributed by leading scholars in technology and innovation that discuss how newly industrializing countries (NICs), particularly those in East Asia, have transformed themselves from...
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Agriculture, and the Envir Joint Minnesota-Padova Conference on "Food, Paolo Caggiati, K. William Easter, Maurizio Canavari Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment
This book contains a selection of the papers presented at the Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, organized by the University of Minnesota and several universities in Italy, and held in Bologna, Italy, on June 12-14, 2001....
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K. S. Jomo, Jomo K. S. Tigers in Trouble: Financial Governance, Liberalisation and Crises in East Asia
This important book provides a cogent critique of the nature of Southeast Asian capitalism. It argues powerfully that the crises in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines as well as South Korea are due not to excessive market...
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Max H. Kirsch, Max Kirsch In the Wake of the Giant: Multinational Restructuring and Uneven Development in a New England Community (Suny Series in the Anthropology of Work)
Based on anthropological fieldwork in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, In the Wake of the Giant has implications for towns and cities across the country and internationally. It traces the history of the Pittsfield region, the U.S. economy, and the tidal...
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Paul C. Brophy, Alice Shabecoff A Guide to Careers in Community Development
Community development - the economic, physical, and social revitalization of a community, led by the people who live in that community - offers a wide range of exciting and rewarding employment options. But until now, there has been no "road map"...
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Paul Pryor, Paul L. Pryor Marketing Construction Services
Written for both seasoned professionals and industry novices, Marketing Construction Services provides a general overview, as well as a comprehensive understanding, of the projects, trades, money, and market processes of the construction industry....
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Richard Cozzens, Richard Cozzens Mastercam Workbook (Version 9)
This purpose of this workbook is to give new users a basic introduction to Mastercam's functionality and features. Topics covered include creating models using Mastercam, importing geometry from other CAD packages, setting up a job, and creating...
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Harry Bunt, Reinhard Muskens Computing Meaning
Computational Semantics is concerned with computing the meanings of linguistic objects such as sentences, text fragments, and dialogue contributions. As such it is the interdisciplinary child of semantics, the study of meaning and its linguistic...
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Sham Tickoo Autodesk Inventor for Designers: Update Guide Release 6
Autodesk Inventor for Designers: Update Guide Release 7 and 6 is an update guide is written with the intent of helping the users who have worked on release 5 of Autodesk Inventor and want to update to Release 6 and Release 7. This update guide...
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Rickard Muller Developing Web Sites with Macromedia Flash MX
Take advantage of the latest version of Flash to make the most interactive and dynamic Web Sites! Designed as a tool for serious Flash users, Developing Web Sites with Flash MX allows readers to design and deliver animations, presentations and...
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Thorsten M. Buzug, Heinz Handels, Dietrich Holz, Y.R. Mahida, Daniel Nachtsheim, Ivan Mosely, Robert Newland, Weisman, Faro, Tubiana Telemedicine: Medicine and Communication
This book is the proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Life Sciences: Medicine and Communication (MEDICOM 2000), held September 28--29, 2000, in Remagen, Germany. Within the various aspects of life-science...
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Домой О. Г. Мугин. Безопасность жизнедеятельности. Чрезвычайные ситуации
Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Live In Poland. Karn Evil
Ф. Б. Керр. Дети лампы. Книга 3. Джинн и Королева-кобра
И. В. Журавлев. Психология и психопатология восприятия. Пролегомены
Татьяна Борисова. Детское питание. Разнообразные меню на
Скрылев И.. Ножи мира
Мария Рива. Моя мать Марлен Дитрих. Том 2
Ю. Певзнер, Ю. Чернер. Секреты Интерпола
Сергей Славянов, Вольфганг Лай. Специальные функции.
Jeff Thull. The Prime Solution: Close the Value Gap, Increase Margins, and
Кызыл, Самара, Электросталь, Находка, Железнодорожный, Серпухов, Барнаул, Южно-Сахалинск, Санкт-Петербург, Томск, Уфа, Рубцовск, Новый Уренгой, Новочеркасск, Тольятти, Уфа, Канск, Златоуст, Камышин, Волжский, Петрозаводск, Пятигорск, Энгельс, Междуреченск, Сургут, Новый Уренгой, Ногинск, Москва,
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