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Энид Блайтон Знаменитый утенок Тим
Что нужно сделать, чтобы стать знаменитым? Можно прославиться как звезда телевидения, можно стать чемпионом мира, можно даже быть самым толстым на земле! А можно просто выручать друзей из беды, наказывать злодеев и попадать в целую кучу ...
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Elisa Southard Break Through the Noise: 9 Tools to Propel Your Marketing Message
Book DescriptionBreak Through the Noise helps professionals turn their technical skills into marketing talent and demonstrates 9 distinct ways to attract more clients through personal contact, at almost no cost....
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Supervising and Being Supervised: A Practice in Search of a Theory
Book Description Supervision is an essential constituent of analytic and psychotherapy training and a crucial part of ongoing professional development for all practitioners. In spite of this, little formal theory about supervision has been...
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Michael Patterson Strategies of Political Theatre : Post-War British Playwrights (Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre)
Book DescriptionMichael Patterson analyzes a group of twentieth century British playwrights' respective strategies for persuading audiences of the need for radical restructuring of society. He examines plays by Arnold Wesker, John Arden, Trevor...
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Jim Smith The Irish Face in America
Book DescriptionThis new paperback edition of THE IRISH FACE IN AMERICA will be out just in time for St. Patrick+s Day promotion in 2006.The book profiles a vibrant cross section of Irish Americans and their contributions to every aspect of society....
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MetaWorx Approaches in Interactivity
Book DescriptionMetaWorx is a foundation supported by the leading design schools and art academies of Switzerland. In this publication, MetaWorx presents the next generation of "Swiss Graphics", providing a challenging contribution to the research...
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Catherine J. S. Lu Children of Time
Book DescriptionEveryday a child is found missing. Where are they now? Shyla Shade thought the nightmare was over when the war minister from the egalitarian Alzian Empire brought home the children from Earth. But her elation was cut...
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Terry Bisson Numbers Don't Lie
Book Description Originally published in Asimov's Science Fiction as the short stories "The Edge of the Universe," "Get Me to the Church on Time," and "The Hole in the Hole," this inventive and quirky novel combines the stories, featuring...
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Hollywood Creative Directory (Hollywood Creative Directory)
Book DescriptionThe Hollywood Creative Directory is commonly known as "the phone book to Hollywood." From emerging filmmakers to industry professionals, the Hollywood Creative Directory has been the definitive guide for navigating the complicated...
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Ruth Bell Graham : A Pilgrim Journey
Book Description This two-CD audio tells of the "pilgrim journey" of the wife of Billy Graham. Narrated by Walter Cronkite, the story is artistically conveyed through interviews with those who know Ruth best, and is accented by her own impressive...
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G. Jack Lipovski Introduction to Microcontrollers, Second Edition : Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing for the Freescale 68HC12 (Academic Press Series in Engineering)
Book DescriptionThis book is a comprehensive, introductory text/reference for electrical and computer engineers and students with little experience with a high-level programming language. It systematically teaches the programming of a...
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Домой Яндекс
С. И. Сергейчик. Российская интеллигенция. История
Томас Карлейль. Французская революция. История. Часть
Поиск мета
Suzanne Caplan. Second Wind (Entrepreneur Mentor Series)
Пирл Моррисон. Укротитель ветра
Наволочка декоративная двухцветная, 40х40. Двухцветная декоративная
Battlefield 2: Полная коллекция. В горячих точках планеты. Продолжение
David Shenk. Data Smog : Surviving the Information
Sang Kim, Sang H. Kim. 1001 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Others
Андрей Кутузов. Лечение цирконием, медью, серебром
Е. И. Балалова, О. В. Каурова. Сервисная деятельность.
Entrepreneur Press. How to Start a Business in Alabama
К. В. Рыжов. Священная Иудея
Успешные роды. Книга посвящена непростой и волнующей всех
Александр Клюге. Хроника чувств
Ярославль, Рубцовск, Дзержинск, Канск, Одинцово, Рязань, Волгодонск, Ноябрьск, Одинцово, Тамбов, Новороссийск, Стерлитамак, Киселёвск, Арзамас,
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